Figure 7-12. Compressor Blade Surface
Blending Limits
7-25. Compressor Case.
Repair of the compressor case consists of blending
and polishing to remove nicks, dents, corrosion, and
erosion from the stator vanes. Where blending is rec-
ommended, use a medium grit stone. Where polishing
is recommended, use a fine grit stone or abrasive paper
(item 22, table 2-2). Blend and polish vanes in a longi-
tudinal direction only with the repair forming a
smooth blend with the basic airfoil. No sharp edges,
burrs, cracks, or tears are acceptable after blending.
It is impossible to fully describe all damage condi-
tions that can be encountered. If damage is within
the repair limits of figure 7-13 but there is reason-
able doubt about the strength of the blended
vanes, replace the compressor case. Unlimited
light polishing to remove minor damage where
vane dimensions are basically unchanged, is per-
missible on any part of the vane.
Coated compressor blades - refer to Note in
paragraph 7-24 c.
Change 23 7-16.1/(7.16.2 blank)
TM 55-2840-241-23