TM 55-2840-241-23
a. Remove surface contamination using a
stainless steel brush.
b. Clean the area with acetone (item 28, table 2-2)
using a clean cloth for the application.
c. Weld cracks using inert gee arc and class 6 weld
rod (item 29, table 2-2).
d. Do not grind weld unless weld material extends
into air path. Thin-out of material from welding or
grinding is not permitted.
7-32. Combuston Liner Repair.
a. Pulled or Broken Spotwelds. Weld repair pull-
ed or broken spotwelds in the liner steps as follows:
(See figure 7-8.)
(1) Drill a 3/16-in. diameter hole through the
outer liner section only.
(2) Remove surface contamination using a
stainless steel wire brush.
(3) Clean the area with acetone (item 28, table
2-2) using a clean cloth for the application.
(4) Press the liner sections together and
plugweld using inert gas arc with class 6 weld rod
(item 29, table 2-2). Weld material must not extend
into air openings. Do not grind the weld unless weld
material blocks air entry.
b. Cracks in Liner Surface, Relief Slots, and Dou-
ble Lip Area. Weld repair cracks as follows:
(1) Remove surface contamination using a
stainless steel wire brush.
(2) Clean the area with acetone (item 28, table
2-2) using a clean cloth for the application.
(3) Weld cracks using inert gas arc with clean 6
weld rod (item 29, table 2-2). Weld material must not
obstruct cooling air passage. Do not grind weld unless
weld material obstructs cooling air passage.
c. Cracks in Igniter and Fuel Nozzle Ferrule At-
taching Welds. Repair cracks in the attaching (fillet)
weld as follows:
(1) Remove surface contamination using a
stainless steel wire brush.
(2) Clean the area with acetone (item 28, table
2-2) using a clean cloth for the application.
(3) Weld cracks using insert gas arc. Use class 6
weld rod (item 29, table 2-2) on the igniter ferrule. Use
class 12 weld rod (item 29, table 2-2) on the fuel nozzle
d. Fuel Nozzle and Igniter Ferrule ID Roughness.
Remove roughened or galled surfaces in the ID of the
fuel nozzle and igniter ferrules by polishing with
emery cloth (item 23, table 2-2). Polish as required to
remove all surface roughness. Check to ensure that
the ID, after polishing, does not exceed the limit
specified in table 7-1.
7-21/(7-22 blank)