TM 55--2840--254--23Change 8 2--2312--28 INSPECT STATOR VANE ASSEMBLIES (Continued) 2--28d. Leading and trailing edge (3) damage shallnot be greater than 0.100inch depth or0.500inch length. The total length of alldamage on either edge shall not exceed 40percent of vane length.e. Inspect for bent vanes (4).f. There shall be no cracks in the vane braze-ment areas (5) longer than 0.100 inch.g. Inspect lead seal (6).(1) There shall be no nicks, scratches,voids, or pits (7) in lead seal (6) deeperthan 0.010inch or wider than 0.030inch.(2) Lead seal rub (8) up to 0.010inch deepis acceptable. Loss of lead up to 0.250inch per stator half and 0.500inch perstator assembly is acceptable. Totalloss of lead per compressor assemblyshall not exceed 1.500 inch.(3) There shall not be more than one ofthese defects (7 & 8) per inch and notless than 0.250inch between any de-fects (7 & 8).h. Inspect outer shroud (9). There shall be noRTV residue.FOLLOW--ON MAINTENANCENoneEND OF TASK
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