TM 55-4920-328-13
T53 Turboshaft engine accessories (LTCT
10471-01). The T53 turboshaft engine accessories, Part
No. LTCT10471-01, contains the necessary hardware to
prepare T53-L-5, -9, -11, and -13 gas turbine engines for
testing on the METS. The components contained in the
engine accessories are illustrated in figure 7-32 and
listed in chapter 7. Paragraph 1-5 provides leading
assemblies contained in the engine accessories.
Installation procedures for the engine accessories are
outlined in chapter 2. Engine performance panels,
contained in the engine accessories, are positioned over
the front panel of vertical tape indicator assembly 1A3
prior to test of an engine, to provide the operator with
quick visual engine operating reference points.
T53 Turboprop engine accessories (LTCT
10471-02). The T53 turboprop engine accessories, Part
No. LTCT10471-02, contains the necessary hardware to
prepare T53-L-7 and -15 gas turbine engines for testing
on the METS. The components contained in the engine
accessories are illustrated in figure 7-35 and listed in
chapter 7. Paragraph 1-5 provides leading particulars
on water brake and torque system assemblies contained
in the engine accessories. Installation procedures for
the engine accessories are outlined in chapter 2.
Engine performance panels, contained in the engine
accessories, are positioned over the front panel of
vertical tape indicator assembly 1A3 prior to test of an
engine, to provide the operator with quick visual engine
operating reference points.
T55 Turboshaft engine accessories. The
T55 turboshaft engine accessories, Part No. LTCT
10471-03, contains the necessary hardware to prepare
T55-L-7, -11 and -712 gas turbine engines for testing on
the METS. The components contained in the engine
accessories are illustrated in figure 7-38 and listed in
chapter 7. Paragraph 1-5 provides leading particulars
on the water brake and torque system assemblies
contained in the engine accessories. Installation
procedures for the engine accessories are outlined in
chapter 2. The engine performance panel contained in
the engine accessories, is positioned over the front
panel of vertical tape indicator assembly 1A3 prior to
test of an engine to provide the operator with quick
visual engine operating reference points. The engine
accessories include two torque indicators and an
inverter. These components are installed in operator's
panel assembly and are electrically connected through
the T53 electric torque system to the engine electric
torque transmitter when a T55 engine is to be tested.
T63 Turboshaft engine accessories. The
T63 turboshaft engine accessories, Part No. LTCT
10471-04, contains the necessary hardware to prepare
T63 A-5A and A-700 engines for testing on the METS.
The components contained in the engine accessories
are illustrated in figure 7-41 and listed in chapter 7.
Paragraph 1-5 provides leading particulars on the frame
assembly, water brake, and torque element. Installation
procedures for the engine accessories are outlined in
chapter 2. The engine performance panel, contained in
the engine accessories, is installed on the front panel of
vertical tape indicator assembly 1A3 prior to test of an
engine, to ensure correct positioning of the torque
element circuit three-position switch.
T74 Turboshaft engine accessories. The
T74 turboshaft engine accessories, Part No. LTCT
10471-05 contains the necessary hardware to prepare
the T74-CP-7b0 and 702 turbine engines for testing on
the METS. The components contained in the engine
accessories are illustrated in figure 7-44 and listed in
chapter 7. Paragraph 1-5 provides leading particulars
on the frame assembly, water brake and torque
element. Installation procedures for the engine
accessories are outlined in chapter 2. The engine
performance panel contained in the engine accessories,
is installed on the front panel of vertical tape indicator
assembly 1A3 prior to test of an engine, to provide the
operator with quick visual operating reference points.
Turboshaft engine accessories. The T73
turboshaft engine accessories, Part No. LTCT 10471-10
contains the necessary hardware to prepare the T73-P-1
and 700 turbine engines for testing on the METS. The
components contained in the engine accessories are
illustrated in figure 7-47 and listed in chapter 7.
Paragraph 1-5 provides leading particulars on the frame
assembly, water brake and torque element. Installation
procedures for the engine accessories are outlined in
chapter 2. The engine performance panel contained in
the engine accessories, is installed on the front panel of
vertical tape indicator assembly 1A3 prior to test of an
engine, to provide the operator with quick visual
operating reference points.
Change 4 1-71