TM 55-4920-328-13
(1) of the cooling tower module consists of a wet deck
surface, a water distribution sprinkler system, and a set
of sectional eliminators. The removable wet deck
surface is wave-formed for optimum heat transfer and is
made of extra-heavy coated, hot-dip galvanized steel.
The water distribution sprinkler system, which distributes
water evenly over the cooling tower fill area, consists of
a spray header and removable steel branches (2). The
branches and closely spaced plastic spray nozzles (3)
are held in place by snap-in rubber grommets which
permit quick removal of individual nozzles or complete
branches for cleaning or flushing. The eliminators are
constructed of extra-heavy coated, hot-dip galvanized
steel and are removable. The eliminators remove
entrained moisture from discharge air and direct
discharge air at boosted velocities away from the fan
inlets. A flanged expansion 'connector (9) ensures
accurate alignment of the cooling tower module eight-
inch water out connection with the cold water well of the
auxiliary trailer water system. Refer to paragraph 1-
4e(1)(b) for a description of the auxiliary trailer water
Diesel engine AC generator and cable set.
The diesel engine ac generator and cable set (figure 7-
31), hereinafter referred to as the generator set,
provides primary 208v ac, 60 Hz, three-phase electrical
power for METS operation. The generator set consists
of a skid-mounted generator (8), two cable assemblies
(6,7), four single-conductor cables (1), and a ground
wire (3) connected to an eight foot long ground rod (4).
The unit Is mounted on the rear deck of the auxiliary
trailer assembly (figure 1-31). The generator set
controls and Instrumentation consists of a generator
control panel and a fault indicator panel both depicted in
figure 2-8. These panels, originally installed on the unit,
have been removed from the skid-mounted unit and
have been installed within the control cab module for
operator convenience. Electrical power for diesel
engine starting is provided by two 12-volt batteries.
Cold weather quick starting is accomplished by the use
of ether contained in a cylinder mounted on the side of
the unit. The engine primer system is controlled by use
of an ENGINE PRIMER ON switch (38, figure 2-8)
located on the generator control panel. The unit is also
provided with an engine oil pan heating element with
external connections available for field installation of
winterization equipment, when required. The load
connections on the generator set consists of four studs
mounted on the side of the unit to which the four single-
interconnect the generator set and the auxiliary trailer
power distribution box. Complete instrumentation is
provided on the generator control panel for controlling
and monitoring the unit during operation. The fault
indicator panel in the control cab module displays out-
of-tolerance conditions during operation. The panel
displays the following conditions:
Low Oil Pressure
Short Circuit
Reverse Power
Coolant High Temperature
No Fuel
A Test or Reset switch is provided on the fault indicator
panel to check the fault indicator lamps during test of
the fault indicator circuits and to reset the circuits. For
complete operating and maintenance instructions of the
generator set, refer to TM 5-6115-425-12.
The design of the METS electrical
system permits the use of an
power. Refer to chapter 2 for
instructions on connection points
and power requirements.
Engine Accessories.
Water brake torque arm assembly. The
water brake torque arm assembly, Part No. TE12043-
01 or -02 (figure 1-37) consists of a balancing arm (2),
torque arm (1), weights (3,4), platform (5), wire rope
assembly (8), and attaching hardware. This torque arm
assembly provides a means of calibrating the water
brake torque element assembly for T53, T55, T73, and
T74 engines. A separate calibration arm Part No.
17A8572G01 (figure 1-37.1) is furnished with the
adapter for T700 engines (see chapters 2 and 7).
Principal components of the T700 calibration arm
consist of an arm (1), weight hanger (3), and a sliding
weight mount (6, 7, and 8). Refer to TB 55-4920-328-50
and chapters 2 and 3 for information on torque system
calibration procedures.
Change 2 1-69