TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Figure 8-21. Fuel Line Disconnect
(8) Disconnect the power control rod, as shown
in figure 8-22, from the power control lever cross-shaft
linkage at the threaded end disconnect. Secure the
power control rod to the nacelle structure.
Removal. The powerplant may be removed
from the aircraft by either of the two methods. One
method involves lowering the powerplant from the
nacelle by using an engine dolly. The other method
requires hoists and a special sling to lower the
powerplant to a movable engine stand. Refer to the
applicable aircraft maintenance manual.
Figure 8-22. Power Lever Disconnect
Preparation for Installation. Installation of
aircraft powerplants will be installed in accordance with
the applicable maintenance manual.
Installation. Install engine in accordance with
applicable maintenance manual
8-21/(8-2 blank)