TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Dry-cleaning solvent is flammable
and solvent vapors are toxic. Use P-
D-680, Type II Solvent in a well-
ventilated area. Keep away from
open flames. Avoid prolonged
solvent contact with skin.
(a) Clean lead assembly with dry-cleaning
solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680. Replace any
lead having fraying shielding, bent or mutilated socket
contacts or contact pins, and worn or stripped threads on
coupling nuts.
Minor chafing or fraying to the extent
of not more than three broken
strands in one inch of harness length
is permissible, providing there is no
damage to the underlying insulation.
(b) Clean
methylethylketone, Federal Specification TT-M-261, dry
with air blast. Replace harness when it is found to be
open or shorted.
(2) Igniter plugs. Perform igniter plug
maintenance as explained by the following procedures.
(a) Keep all igniter unit connections tight
and all leads and conduit free from abrasions or other
damage Accomplish the following steps when igniter
plugs fail to spark.
When two igniter plugs fail to
spark, replace one plug and energize system. When
plug sparks, replace other plug and retest Replace
igniter unit when plug fails to spark.
When one plug fails to spark
and a new plug does not remedy defect, replace igniter
plug lead. If plug still fails to spark, replace igniter unit
(b) Igniter plugs not heard firing when
engine is started shall be cleaned or replaced as follows:
Clean barrel of igniter plugs
with a wire brush Buff threads with a cloth wheel. Do
not clean nose end and electrode.
Replace plugs with cracked
insulation, damaged threads or pin contacts, or when
foreign material is found lodged In nose of plug.
Replace igniter plugs that fail to
produce continuous and regular sparking
(3) Ignition exciter. Refer to the applicable
maintenance manual for Ignition exciter maintenance.
Turbine Bearing Maintenance. Turbine engine
bearings shall be inspected, removed, and replaced in
accordance with the applicable maintenance manual.
m. Thermocouple
thermocouple leads that Indicate a short or an open
condition. Clean carbon from thermocouples by dipping
in carbon removing compound, MIL-C-19853, and
wiping deposit away with a clean cloth.
Oil Consumption Check oil consumption in
accordance with the applicable maintenance manual.
The following formula can be used to calculate oil
consumption in cc per hour.
cc of oil added
60 min
Recorded operating time
1 hr
in minutes
= Oil consumption time in cc/hr
Fuel System. Fuel system maintenance shall
be accomplished in accordance with the applicable
maintenance manual. General maintenance procedures
are described in the following paragraphs.
(1) Fuel control inspection and adjustment.
Fuel control inspection and adjustment are explained in
the following paragraphs.
(a) Fuel control inspection. Perform the
following procedures when inspecting fuel controls:
Inspect housing for cracks and
Inspect strainer element for
nicks, tears, punctures, and broken wires.
Inspect springs and balls for
Inspect cover for nicks, dents,
and scratches.