TM 1-1500-204-23-3
Figure 3-7. Spacers and Screens Oil Filter
Figure 3-8. Main Oil Strainer
Main oil strainer. Another type of filter, used as a main oil strainer, is shown in figure 3-8.
The filtering element interior is made of stainless steel.
Maintenance. The oil filter should be removed, disassembled, inspected, cleaned, and reinstalled at
regular intervals in accordance with the applicable maintenance manual.
Removal. The following are general procedures for removing oil filters:
Provide a suitable container for collecting the drained oil.
Remove the filter cover and withdraw the filter assembly. Discard the old seal.
Install the oil filter assembly in a holding fixture. Remove the plug from the filter cover and
discard the lockwire. The filter must be installed in a proper fixture before removing the cover plug to prevent the
stacked screens and spacers from flying off under their spring tension.
Carefully remove the filter cover from the fixture, then slide the screens and spacers onto a
suitable cleaning rod, keeping them in their proper order. The parts should not be able to slide off the rod during the
cleaning operation.
Inspection. Separate the screens and spacers by sliding the parts along the rod. Examine the screens and
spacers by sliding the parts along the rod. Examine the screens and spacers for foreign matter that would indicate an
unsatisfactory condition in the engine.
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and solvent vapors are toxic. Use P-D-680, Type II Solvent
in a well-ventilated area. Keep away from open flames. Avoid prolonged solvent contact with
Cleaning. Clean filters by immersing in drycleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680. Do not use a
hard-edged or pointed tool to scrape or pick at filter. Do not use an air blast for cleaning, as compressed air will tend to
drive dirt into filter parts. Immediately after washing and prior to reinstallation, dip filter into clean engine oil.
Installation. The following are general procedures for installing oil filters:
Assemble the filter spacers and screens on the baffle, using the holding fixture. Make
certain that