TM 1-1500-204-23-3
an outlet spacer will be at both ends. Also, make sure each screen is located between an outlet spacer and an inlet
Install the outer end plate on the screen and spacer buildup; then install the cover on the
end plate.
Place a new seal on the cover plug and install the plug in the threaded end of the baffle.
The plug must be tightened to the torque prescribed in the manufacturer's instructions so that the spacers and screens
cannot be rotated by hand.
Secure the cover plug with lockwire. Then remove the filter assembly from the holding
Oil Screens. Oil screens, as shown in figure 3-9, accumulate the sludge during engine operation. These screens
must be removed, inspected, cleaned, and reinstalled at regular intervals according to applicable maintenance manuals.
General maintenance procedures are covered in the following paragraphs.
Removal. Remove and discard the safety devices and loosen the oil screen housing or cover plate. Be
sure to use a suitable clean container to collect the oil that will drain from the filter housing.
The container must be clean so that the oil collected can be examined for foreign particles.
Any contamination already present will give a false indication of engine condition.
Inspection. Inspect screens for contamination and for the presence of metal particles. Metal particles
may indicate internal engine failure.
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and solvent vapors are toxic. Use P-D-680, Type II Solvent
in a well-ventilated area. Keep away from open flames. Avoid prolonged solvent contact with
When using air pressure, be extremely careful. Do not blow stream of air toward yourself or
any other person. Users of air pressure and personnel within the immediate area shall wear
safety glasses, goggles, or face shield. Ear protection may be required. Pressure will not
exceed 30 psig. Failure to comply may result in injury.
Cleaning. Clean oil screens by immersing in drycleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, and
washing with a soft bristled brush. Do not use a hard-edged or pointed tool to scrape or pick at screen. Using a light air
blast, blow out residual dirt and fluid. When heavy carbon deposits adhere to screen, immerse screen in
trichloroethylene, Federal Specification 0-T-634, at room temperature. Dry with a light air blast.
Installation. Reinstall the filter using new O-rings and gaskets. Tighten housing or cover retaining nuts to
the torque value specified in the applicable maintenance manual and safety as required.
Oil Tanks. Oil tank description and general maintenance procedures are explained in the following paragraphs.
Description. Oil tanks are generally constructed of an aluminum alloy. The tank is usually placed close to
the engine and high enough above the oil pump inlet to ensure gravity feed. The tank filler neck is positioned to provide
sufficient room for oil expansion and for foam to collect. Some oil tanks have a built-in hopper, or temperature
accelerating well, that extends from the oil return fitting on top of the oil tank to the outlet fitting in the sump in the bottom
of the tank.
Maintenance. General inspection and repair procedures are explained in the following paragraphs.
Inspection. Inspect the condition of attaching straps or other devices used to secure the tank in
place, the condition of the seams and walls, signs of leakage, and the security of the attached plumbing.