TM 1-1500-204-23-9
Select the metal wedge and drive it into
the wooden wedge with a hammer.
Wear eye protection when grinding
metal on a bench grinder. Failure to
comply may result in serious injury to
Remove the excess portion of the metal
wedge using a bench grinder.
Repairing uneven face wear. Uneven face wear
can be repaired by reshaping the worn faces, using the
following procedures:
Determine the original shape of the face
by examining an unworn portion or comparing the
hammer to be repaired with another of the same type.
Wear eye protection when grinding
metal on a bench grinder. Failure to
comply may result in serious injury to
Grind the face to the original shape,
dipping in water frequently to avoid overheating.
Remove only the amount of stock
necessary to repair the face.
When grinding mallets, remove equal
amounts of stock from both faces to
retain balance.
4-3. Screwdrivers. Screwdrivers are tools used for
driving or removing screws. Generally, they consist of a
steel blade and shank set in a handle of wood or plastic.
However, they come in various other shapes, some
being adapted to a particular usage. A large variety of
sizes is available.
Types. There are many types of screwdrivers
used in the maintenance of Army aircraft. The following
paragraphs describe the types most commonly used.
standard, screwdriver, shown in figure 4-13, is suitable
for driving or removing slotted screws. The blade must
have sharp corners and fit the screw slot closely. The
size is designated by the length of the shank and blade.
Phillips screwdriver. The Phillips screwdriver
has a blunt cross tip. The tip is ground to a 30-degree
angle, as shown in figure 4-14.
The Phillips screwdriver is not inter-
changeable with the Reed and Prince
screwdriver. The use of the wrong type
screwdriver results in mutilation of the
screwdriver and the screw head.
Offset screwdrivers. The offset screwdriver
shown in figure 4-15 is composed of a shank with a
blade on each end. The blades are bent at right angles
to the shank. One is parallel to the shank, the other is
set at 90 degrees. This screwdriver is especially
usefully in performing close work. Some offset
screwdrivers are
Figure 4-13. Common Screwdriver
Figure 4-14. Phillips Screwdriver
Figure 4-15. Offset Screwdriver