NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
004 02
TO 00-25-255-1
Page 25
TM 1-1500-323-24-2
57. Insert Arrangement. The insert arrangement
69. CONTACTS. Contacts may be fixed or crimp
denotes service rating and number of contacts
(Figure 21).
70. Fixed Contacts. Contacts in hermetically sealed or
58. Contact Style. The contact style denotes the type
thru-bulkhead receptacles are fixed, non-removable,
of contact used.
and solderable, or feed through.
59. Alternate Key Position. The alternate position
71. Crimp Removable Contacts. Crimp removable
contacts may be used with all environment resisting
same number can be mated (Figure 22).
classes of connectors.
72. Contact Availability. Crimp contacts are supplied
and accessories are designed and constructed to
with each connector unit package and consist of a full
withstand normal handling during maintenance and
compliment plus 1 spare per size for connectors of 26
installation (Figure 23).
contacts or less and those connectors with more than
26 contacts will have 2 spares of each size used.
61. INSERTS. The entire insert of the environment
Contacts may also be ordered in individual quantities.
resisting assemblies is essentially one integral part
designed to provide suitable sealing and support
73. CONTACT APPLICATION. Contacts used in
around the wires and to be non-removable.
MIL-C-81511 connectors are manufactured in
accordance with AS39029. When the insert
62. Rigid Dielectric. The rigid dielectric is one molded
arrangement designates a particular size contact, the
piece or not more than two pieces bonded together.
appropriate military specification contact can be found
The design is such that contacts are able to be inserted
in the applicable contact application table. The contact
and removed to facilitate installation and maintenance
part number breakdown is illustrated in Figure 24 and
except hermetic receptacles.
25. The Basic Identification Number (BIN), or last three
digits of contact part number, matches the standard
63. Contact Locking Device. The contact locking
resistor color code (Figure 26). MIL-C-81511 Series 3
devices are contained in the rigid dielectric and
and 4 may be configured with power, thermocouple,
securely hold the contacts during normal coupling.
or shielded contacts.
64. Rotation. The inserts are secured in a manner so as
74. POWER CONTACTS. Power contacts are used to
to prevent rotation or movement.
connect single conductor wire through connectors. The
power contacts in Table 11 and 13 range from size 12
65. Interface Seal. All pin contact inserts will have a
thru 23-22 and are of rear insertion, front release
resilient interface seal bonded to the front face to
design. Contacts are listed by size. Match the required
prevent water intrusion.
size to the connector application, wire gage, and
listed along with the corresponding color bands.
material is used to insulate and seal the contacts, and
all pin contacts will have an interface seal. The contacts
are not removable.
sensing systems utilize two dissimilar metal
conductors with matched lengths. When joined at the
67. INSERT ARRANGEMENT. The insert arrangement
point temperature will be sensed, a voltage difference
is the number and size of the contacts available by shell
develops. This voltage is directly proportional to the
size (Table 1 and 2).
temperature change. Thermocouple contacts are listed
in Table 12 and 14, they are: nickel-aluminum/silicon
(formerly alumel), nickel-chromium (formerly
configuration is the manner in which the contacts are
chromel), iron, copper, or copper-nickel alloy (formerly
placed within the insert in a standard configuration.
constantan). Match the required size to the connector
All arrangements identified in Table 1 and 2 are
illustrated (Figure 21).
pin contact part numbers are listed along with the
corresponding color bands.