NAVAIR 01-1A-505-2
011 02
TO 00-25-255-1
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TM 1-1500-323-24-2
Figure 5. NAS1662 and NAS1663 Part Number Breakdown
contacts. The part number breakdown is illustrated
38. CONTACTS. Contacts are designed to prevent
(Figure 5).
damage to contact retention device or sealing member
during insertion or removal of contacts.
43. POWER CONTACTS. Power contacts are used to
39. Fixed Contacts. Contacts in hermetically sealed or
connect single conductor wire through connectors.
The power contacts range from size 12 to 20 for these
and solderable, or feed through.
connectors. Socket and pin contact part numbers are
listed along with color bands (Table 3).
40. Crimp Removable Contacts. Crimp removable
44. TOOLING. Select the proper tooling for the specific
contacts may be used with all environment resisting
contact part number (Table 4) and refer to NAVAIR
classes of connectors.
01-1A-505-1, WP 013 00 for the proper assembly
41. Contact Availability. Crimp contacts are supplied
with each connector unit package and consist of a full
complement plus one spare per size for connectors of
26 contacts or less. Connectors with more than 26
For backshell removal and installation refer to
contacts will have two spares of each size used. Contacts
may also be ordered in individual quantities when
42. CONTACT APPLICATION. Contacts used in
Refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-505-1 WP 011 01, for
NAS1599 connectors are manufactured in accordance
torque value information on AS85049 connector
with NAS1662 for pin contacts and NAS1663 for socket
Table 3. Threaded Coupled or Bayonet Power Contact Application
Table 4. Threaded Coupled or Bayonet Power Contact Tooling