(c) TC items with a TBO interval of 500 hours or more, with
less than 200 hours remaining will be shipped to depot maintenance.
TC items with a TBO interval of less than 500 hours, with
100 hours or more remaining which can be made serviceable with
minimum disassembly, will be repaired at the lowest authorized
maintenance level.
TC items with a TBO interval of less than 500 hours, with
100 hours or more remaining but which can not be repaired with
minimum disassembly will be shipped to depot maintenance.
(f) TC items with a TBO interval of less than 500 hours, with
less than 100 hours remaining will be shipped to depot maintenance.
(g) RC items with 100 hours or more of the MAOT remaining
which can be made serviceable with minimum disassembly, will be
repaired at the lowest authorized maintenance level.
(h) RC items with 100 hours or more of the MAOT remaining but
which can not be repaired with minimum disassembly will be shipped to
depot maintenance.
(i) RC items with 99 hours or less will be processed per
Section IX of this manual.
(4) CC items. When inspections and functional tests show that
CC items are unserviceable, but economically repairable, they will be
repaired at the lowest authorized maintenance level.
b. When it is determined that a component must be overhauled, tag
the component and turn-in to the appropriate supply activity. All
forms and records will be properly prepared per DA Pamphlet 738-751.
Upon completion of overhaul, the components will be tagged as
serviceable and all forms and records prepared per DA Pamphlet
Component Historical Records.
Historical records are kept on specific aircraft components,
accessories, and mission essential equipment aboard aircraft.
show important information and events in the life of aircraft and
aviation associated equipment. Another purpose for keeping
its TBO/MAOT limit.
submitted, for all items that are identified in TB l-1500-341-01 and
the ULLS-A Component Legitimate Code file per DA Pamphlet 738-751.
The feedback of some maintenance data to AMCOM is accomplished
using DA Form 2410.
information is used in a variety of
ways to monitor and evaluate the performance of selected components.