data is stored in the AMCOM TAMMS-A (The Army Maintenance
Aviation) Component Tracking System (TACTS)
Management System
This information is available to all military and
authorized civilian maintenance activities, through the
LINE." The data can be used to help reconstruct lost or damaged
(1) The DA Form 2410 reports the removal, gain, or loss of an
item to the inventory, major repairs/overhauls, and the installation
on an aircraft, or the disposal through DRMO.
All significant events
in the life of a component are tracked and reported using this form.
The importance of using this form correctly cannot be
(2) Not following the set procedures in DA Pamphlet 738-751
could result in premature overhaul or condemnation of an item.
It is the responsibility of each maintenance and supply
activity that processes, or repairs items, requiring DA Form 2410, to
be sure that all items are tagged with the proper materiel condition
tag, and all required forms and records are prepared and included
with the item.
d. Activities receiving items that are improperly tagged and/or do
not have the required documentation must suspend all processing of
the component, until the item is properly tagged and/or the required
The following procedures will apply:
documentation is received.
(1) Components that are suspended will not be arbitrarily
returned to the shipping activity, nor will the item be issued to any
other activity.
(2) Comply with the instructions in DA Pamphlet 738-751 for
restoring lost or damaged records.
Receipt of Electronic Messages or Technical Bulletins.
issues electronic information; such as, Safety Of Flight
(SOF) messages, Aviation Safety Action Messages
Information Messages (MIM) or publishes a Technical Bulletin, the
following actions are required:
a. Messages and
that effect components and not the aircraft's
airframe will be documented on the individual component DA Form
2408-5-1, Equipment Modification Record (Component).
documentation is essential; because, the "DA Form 2408-5-l" stays
with the component during its life cycle, while other historical
Component Data should
forms and records remain with the aircraft.
not be entered on the DA Form 2408-15, since the compliance data will
become inaccurate when the component is changed and could result in
an unsafe condition.