Components Obtained through Cannibalization.
Currently AMCOM
is authorizing selected activities to retain designated retired
aircraft for the purpose of local parts salvage, prior to the
It is critical that
airframe being disposed of through the
Activities authorized a
and processed per DA Pamphlet 738-751.
"Parts Bird" must comply with all cannibalization requirements stated
Reuse of Components Removed from Damaged Aircraft.
Extreme caution must be used before reuse of an item removed from an
aircraft damaged in an accident.
Under no circumstances will
components removed from a damaged aircraft be reused on another
aircraft before compliance of the following requirements:
a . The item must be certified as serviceable by a thorough
inspection and/or functional test before installation or during the
repair or overhaul process.
(1) All functional components and assemblies; such as, engines,
transmissions, pumps, valves, generators, gearboxes, rotor heads,
etc., will be subjected to inspections and tests per the inspection
and test standards required at the time of overhaul.
(2) Components not designated as overhaul items will be
inspected and tested per the applicable
technical manual. If
the inspection and test requirements are beyond the capability of the
unit, the item will be condemned locally or sent to a depot
maintenance facility, per the recoverability code assigned to the
(3) All items that are locally condemned require a completed DD
This tag will be
Form 1577 Unserviceable (Condemned) Tag-Materiel.
annotated to show the item was removed from an aircraft involved in a
The condemned items will be mutilated per Section
crash or accident.
IX of this manual, before the item is sent to the local
(4) All items that are to be shipped to a depot maintenance
facility require a statement, on all accompanying documentation, that
the item has been removed from a crashed aircraft or an aircraft
involved in an accident. All documentation must be prepared and
submitted per DA Pamphlet 738-751.
b. All required inspections and/or tests must be accomplished
before the item is installed on another aircraft.