TM 1-1510-262-10
a. Description. The Annunciator and Mission Control Panel consist of a set of indicators, power switches and
circuit breakers for the Primary Mission Equipment. The Annunciator and Mission Control Panel is available to the
aircrew in the cockpit of the aircraft. The Annunciator and Mission Control Panel is located on the right side bulkhead
next to the copilot s seat. The Annunciator portion of the panel has a series of indicator lamps which indicate hard-
ware status and faults. The Annunciator Panel also has indicators for battery voltage and current, inverters #1 and
# 2 Volts AC, AC frequency and AC Current Load in a percentage scale. There is also an Antenna Steering Switch
and indicator for the Tail Boom Antenna located on the Annunciator panel. The Antenna Steering Switch for the Tail
Boom antenna can be conigured for Auto Steering, Manual Steering and Ground Steering. Adjacent to the Antenna
Steering Switch there is a dial which allows for manual and ground operator steering of the Tail Boom Antenna. This
can be done by setting the dial to a speciic angle in degrees relative to the aircrafts coniguration. The actual angle
of the Tail Boom Antenna can be viewed via the digital display above the Antenna Steering Switch. The Mission
Control Panel portion consists of a series of power control switches, a Master Zeroize, a PME Zeroize and various
circuit breakers for AC power including the ARC-201 and ARC-210 Radio power, Aircraft Self Protection, Data link
and Antenna operation and Probe Heat Control of the True Airspeed Sensor (TAS).