TM 1-1510-262-10
duties which are the responsibilities of the copilot will be indicated by a circle around the procedural step number
i.e. Autofeather switch ARM. The symbol star
indicates that a detailed procedure for the step is located in
the performance section of the condensed checklist. The symbol asterisk * indicates that performance of step is
mandatory for all thru-lights. In addition to thru-light, the asterisked steps in this checklist may be used for com-
bat/tactical operations when authorized by the commander. The asterisk applies only to checks performed prior to
takeoff. Placarded items such as switches and controls appear in boldface, capital letters.
Normal procedures are given primarily in checklist form and are ampliied as necessary in accompanying paragraph
form when a detailed description of a procedure or maneuver is required. The condensed version of the ampliied
checklist is contained in the Operator s and Crewmember s Checklist, TM 1-1510-262-CL. To provide for easier
cross-referencing, the procedural steps are numbered to coincide with the corresponding numbered steps in this
The pilot s walk around and interior checks are outlined in the following procedures. The prelight check is not in-
tended to be a detailed mechanical inspection. The steps that are essential for safe aircraft operation are included.
Ensure ASE Saing pin is installed prior to pre-light.
1. GPU -- Connect as required.
* 2. Forms/Publications -- Check DA Form 2408-12, -13, -13-1 , -14, and -18, DD Form 365-4, locally
required forms and publications, availability of operator s manual (-10), and checklist (-CL).
3. Oxygen system -- Check that oxygen quantity is suficient for the entire mission, that crew masks
operate normally, and that the diluter selector is set at 100%.
a. OXYGEN SUPPLY PRESSURE gauges -- Check.
b. SUPPLY control lever (green) -- ON.
c. Diluter control lever -- 100% OXYGEN.
d. EMERGENCY control lever (red) -- Set to TEST MASK position while holding mask directly away
from face, then return to NORMAL.
e. Oxygen mask -- Put on and adjust.
f. EMERGENCY pressure control lever -- Set to TEST MASK position and check mask for leaks,
then return lever to NORMAL.
g. FLOW indicator -- Check. During inhalation blinker appears, during exhalation blinker disappears.
Repeat a minimum of 3 times.
h. Oxygen masks -- Remove and store.
* 4. Flight controls -- Unlock and check.
* 5. PARKING BRAKE -- Set.
The elevator trim system shall not be forced past the limits which are shown on the PITCH TRIM
indicator scale.
6. Elevator/Aileron/Rudder trim -- Check full travel and set to 0 (neutral).
Do not cycle LDG GEAR CONTROL handle on the ground.
* 7. LDG GEAR CONTROL handle -- DN.
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