TM 1-1510-262-10
b. ENG FIRE TEST #1 and #2 switches -- Hold switches to EXT position, check that SQUIB OK and
EXTGH DISCH annunciators and MASTER CAUTION annunciators illuminate.
If MASTER WARNING annunciators are cancelled between tests, they may not re-illuminate.
20. Stall and gear warning system -- Check as follows:
a. STALL WARN TEST switch -- TEST . Check that warning horn sounds.
b. LDG GEAR WARN TEST switch -- TEST . Check that warning horn sounds and that the LDG
GEAR CONTR handle warning lights illuminate.
21. GPU -- Check connected and DC voltage if steps 22. through 28. are to be performed. If GPU is not
connected, perform steps 22. through 28. during BEFORE TAXI CHECK.
22. Overhead control panel switches -- Set as required:
a. #1 and #2 INVERTER switches -- ON.
b. AUTO PLT POWER switch -- ON.
23. Mission control panel switches -- Set as required.
a. EXT PWR switches -- As required.
b. AC phase meter switch -- As required.
c. ASE SILENT switch -- OFF.
24. FMS -- Check and set for mission.
25. INS (LN 100) -- Align as required.
26. Automatic light control system -- Check as follows:
a. Altitude alerter -- Check as follows:
Pause for a few seconds between each step to allow time for proper indications.
(1) Altitude preselector -- Set to more than 1000 feet above altitude set on pilot s PFD. Pilot s
altimeter altitude alert annunciator light should be extinguished.
(2) Pilot s altimeter BARO SET knob -- Slowly increase pilot s altimeter setting.
(3) Altitude alerter annunciator and horn -- Verify that altitude alerter annunciator on pilot s altimeter
illuminates and altitude alerter horn sounds when pilot s altimeter reading is approximately 1000
feet from value set on altitude select controller.
(4) Pilot s altimeter -- Reset to ield elevation.
(5) Altitude preselector -- Reset to ield elevation.
(6) Pilot s altimeter BARO SET knob -- Slowly increase pilot s altimeter setting.
(7) Altitude alerter annunciator and horn -- Verify that the altitude alerter annunciator on pilot s
altimeter illuminates and altitude alerter horn sounds when altimeter reading is approximately
250 feet from value set on altitude alert controller.
(8) Pilot s altimeter -- Reset to ield elevation.
b. Flight director BIT -- Check as follows:
(1) SBY pushbutton switch- indicator (light director mode selector ) -- Depress for at least 5 to 8
seconds and verify the following indications:
(a) Flight director mode selector -- Annunciators illuminate.
(b) AP TRIM annunciator -- Illuminates.
(c) Autopilot disconnect horn -- Sounds.
(d) RUDDER BOOST annunciator -- Illuminates.
(e) AP/YD (PFD display) -- Flashes.
(f) SBY pushbutton switch- indicator -- Release.
(g) FD and ATT annunciations on the PFD -- Check extinguished.
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