TM 10-4930-351-14
0108 00
Refer to figure 11.
The following task applies to removal of either injection pump. Before removal, mark
each fuel injection pump to ensure that the pump will be reinstalled in the same location.
Record and retain the number of gaskets, if any, that were between the injection pump
and the crankcase. The same number of gaskets must be used upon reassembly. Rotate
crankshaft counterclockwise until tappets are resting in the down position to relieve
pressure on injection pump.
10. Remove injection pump (1) and gasket(s) (2) from crankcase.
Injection pumps are supplied by two different manufacturers: Ruggerini and Bosch.
Ruggerini injection pumps do not have expansion plugs.
11. Remove expansion plug (3) and tappet (4) from crankcase.
Figure 11. Injection Pump Removal
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