TM 55-2840-231-23
1-72. Health Indicator Test (HIT) - Continued
3. Adjust the HIT
Baseline TOT value.
Baseline TOT Values will be adjusted, rather
a. Perform three
than establishing a new baseline, when
successive Health
reverse flow fairings are removed/installed.
Indicator Test (HIT)
An engine performance check is not required
Checks in accordance
for a baseline adjustment.
with HIT TOT Log
instructions, immediately
prior to and after reverse
flow fairing inlet
b. Adiust the baseline
TOT values on the HIT
TOT Log to reflect the
difference in HIT.
c. Check readings. For
(1) The HIT Check
after installation of
reverse flow fairings is
three degrees C TOT
higher than before the
installation. Add three
degrees to each of the
Baseline TOT values of
the original HIT Log and
enter the adjusted TOT
values on the Reverse
Flow Inlet TOT Baseline
Work Sheet.
(2) Transcribe the TOT
values from the work
sheet to the new HIT TOT
Log (Reverse Flow Inlets
Installed.) This HIT TOT
Log now reflects TOT
Values adjusted to
compensate for the
installation of the
The pilot will use
whichever HIT TOT Log
is applicable at the time.
Change 11