TM 55-2840-231-23
6-12.1. Gas Producer Fuel Control - Start /Acceleration Fuel Flow Adjustment - AVIM - Continued
Adjustments to Improve Starting.
Recommended Adjustments
Excessive lightoff temperature - over
Adjust start /acceleration counterclockwise.
810° C(1490° F) with momentary
If any additional correction is necessary,
peak of one second max at 927° C
a d j u s t
s t a r t - d e r i c h m e n t
(1700° F) for a period not to ex-
counterclockwise. (Refer to subparagraph
teed 10 seconds. N 1 speed below
2 and paragraph 6-12 for procedures.)
Low lightoff temperature - lightoff
Adjust start/acceleration clockwise. (Refer
t e m p e r a t u r e b e l o w
to subparagraph 2 for procedure.)
550oC(1022oF) with N1 speed
below 20% and slow accelera-
High rapid temperature rise with N1
Adjust start/derichment counterclockwise.
speed at 25.30%.
If any additional correction is necessary,
a d j u s t
s t a r t / a c c e l e r a t e o n
counterclockwise. (Refer to subparagraph
2 and paragraph 6-12 for procedures.)
Low lightoff temperature with slow
start -
lightoff temperature
b e l o w a p p r o x i m a t e l y
550OC(1022 OF) with starting
time approaching 60 seconds (or
more) and N1 speed hesitation at
High lightoff temperature - over
810OC(1490OF) with a momen-
tary peak of one second max at
927°C (1700OF) for a period not
to exceed 10 seconds and N1
speed at 35-55%.
Low lightoff temperature with slow-to-
h u n g s t a r t s - l i g h t o f f
temperature below approximate-
ly 550°C(1022OF) with starting
time approaching 60 seconds (or
more) and N1 speed hesitation at
Adjust start-derichment clockwise. If
additional correction is necessary, adjust
start acceleration clockwise. (Refer to
subparagraph 2 and paragraph 6-12 for
Adjust start/acceleration counterclockwise.
(Refer to subparagraph 2 for procedures.)
Adjust start/acceleration clockwise.
(Refer to subparagraph 2 for procedures.)
Change 9