TM 55-2840-231-23
6-12.1. Gas Producer Fuel Control - Start/Acceleration Fuel Flow Adjustment - AVIM - Continued
2. Lockwire
Do not use start/acceleration adjustment
to correct normal maintenance items such
as misrigging, air leaks, fuel leaks, faulty
fuel nozzle, ignition problems, starter-
generator systems problems, etc. Do not
use the start acceleration adjustment ex-
clusively to improve engine starting. Ex-
cessive clockwise settings before en-
countering over- temperature results in a
single high peak TOT over a wide speed
range for a large part of the starting time.
Use start-derich adjustment with start/ac-
celeration adjustment to optimize engine
To accurately determine proper adjust-
ment, conditions under which the ad-
justments are made should be consistent,
i.e., a fully charged aircraft battery, the
same residual TOT and the same lightoff
There are eight positions for the adjuster
(the neutral position is three clicks from
the counterclockwise stop). Detent grooves
hold the adjuster in the selected one of
these positions without the need of a jam
A required adjustment of more than two
clicks clockwise is an indication that the
fuel control is not the cause of the pro-
F o r l o w l i g h t o f f t e m p e r a t u r e o
slow/hung starts, turn the adjuster
An over adjustment of the start/ac-
celeration clockwise setting can cause
overtemperature starts or compressor
R e m o v e l o c k w i r e a n
make start/acceleration
fuel flow adjustment as
M a k e a d j u s t m e n t i
c h a n g e s o f o n e d e t e n
(click) at a time.
Change 9