TM 55-2840-241-23
7-18. Compressor
Visually inspect for cracks or dents in the sheet metal
surfaces and wear in the seal ring grooves. If a crack
the air tube if repairable limits are exceeded.
a. Check for cracks in the sheet metal surface, Weld
repair cracks which are three inches or less in length and
do not extend into the brazed joints at the end flanges.
(Refer to paragraph 7-31.) Replace the air tube if cracks
are longer than three inches or extend into the brazed
c. Tubes with dents within allowable limits will be
allowed to continue to operate without straightening or
Dents should be round with no evidence of a
sharp bottom. As a rule of thumb, a dent 1/8
in. deep should be a minimum of 1/2 in. in
7-19. Compressor Discharge Air Tube Seal
Ring Inspection.
b. Check for dents in the sheet metal surfaces.
Replace compressor discharge air tube seal rings
which exhibit fretting, excessive wear, or distortion.
Replace two-piece seals when the spherical radius on the
(1) Any dent is greater than 1/8 in. deep.
OD is worn flat all the way across.
(2) There are more than three dents up to 1/8 in.
7-20. Combustion Liner Inspection.
deep m areas not affected by weld joints.
Inspect the combustion liner as outlined in table 7-1.
Table 7-1. Combustion Liner Inspection
Inspection and method
Serviceable limits
Repairable limits
Corrective action
Pulled or broken spot-
Not more than three
Not more than four
Weld repair. (Refer to
welds at liner step
adjacent welds, or
adjacent spotwelds or 40
paragraph 7-32a.)
(See fig. 7-8.) (Visual)
total of six.
percent of total per step.
Handling damage.
(See fig. 7-8.)
a. Mashed-out-of-
None permitted.
Able to straighten to
Straighten and re-form.
round. (Visual)
concentricity limits.
b. Dented. (Visual)
None permitted.
Any dent that remains
Straighten and re-form.
within the area shown on
figure 7-8 and does not
cause thin-out of metal.
Straightened dents must
meet concentricity limits.
Localized high temp-
Warpage less than
perature distortion
3/16 in. deep over an
indicated by warping
area 1 in. in diameter
or rippling of the liner
and remaining within
surface and is normally
the area shown on
accompanied by discol-
figure 7-8.
oring (burning) of the
area. (Visual)
Not repairable.
Replace liner.
Change 23
(3) Any dent is greater than 1-1/2 in. in
in the sheet metal surface is suspected, refer to
TM 1-1520-254-23, Technical Manual Aviation Unit
Maintenance (AVUM) and Aviation Intermediate
Maintenance (AVIM) Manual Nondestructive Inspect-
ion Procedure for OH-58 Helicopter Series. Replace