TM 55-2840-241-23
Table 7-1. Combustion Liner Inspection (Continued)
Item Inspection and Method
Serviceable Limits
Repairable Limits
Corrective action
Burning in area of relief
slots. (See figure 7-8.)
Rear edge burned less
than 1/16 in. or both
corners burned less than
1/14 in. along relief slot.
Not repairable.
Replace liner.
Crack on outside of liner.
(See figure 7-8.) If a crack
on outside of liner is
suspected, refer to TM 1-
1520-254-23, Technical
Manual Aviation Unit
Maintenance (AVUM) and
Aviation Intermediate
Maintenance (AVIM)
Manual Nondestructive
Inspection Procedure for
OH-58 Helicopter Series.
None permitted.
Any number as long as
crack length does not
exceed limits shown in
figure 7-8. Not
repairable if crack
cannot be completely
welded and/or weld
obstructs cooling air
Weld repair. (Refer to
paragraph 7-32b.)
Crack in tab end inside
liner. (See figure 7-8.) If a
crack in tab end inside liner
is suspected, refer to TM 1-
1520-254-23, Technical
Manual Aviation Unit
Maintenance (AVUM) and
Aviation Intermediate
Maintenance (AVIM)
Manual Nondestructive
Inspection Procedure for
OH-58 Helicopter Series.
No cracks greater than
1/4 in. long and no more
than two cracks per tab.
Not repairable.
Replace liner.
Cracks at two adjacent
relief slots progressing
toward same hole. (See
figure 7-8.) If a crack is
suspected, refer to TM 1-
1520-254-23, Technical
Manual Aviation Unit
Maintenance (AVUM) and
Aviation Intermediate
Maintenance (AVIM)
Manual Nondestructive
Inspection Procedure for
OH-58 Helicopter Series.
Not permitted.
Not repairable.
Replace liner.
Change 23 7-11