TM 55-4920-328-13
Figure 1-11. Test Trailer Fuel System Schematic Diagram.
(7) Test trailer oil system.
(a) The test trailer oil system (figure 1-12) is
used to supply turbine lubricating oil to an engine under
test. Table 1-1 specifies the types of oils used. The
system has the capability, when required, of supplying
preheated oil to the engine being tested. The oil
system, except for the lubricating oil unit (6), is installed
below the test trailer deck on the left side of the unit.
The lubricating oil unit is located on the upper left side
of the deck. The oil system (shown schematically in
figure 1-13) consists essentially of a motor and pump
assembly (7, figure 1-12), suction strainer, and heat
exchanger (13). The system also includes a check
valve (3), relief and bypass valve (2), 40-micron filter
(11), manual valve (1), temperature regulating valve
and probe (9), manual selector valve (10), and two back
pressure regulators (12). The unit is provided with an
immersion heater (20) for preheating the oil, when
required, and with a fluid level transmitter. The
corrosion-resistant oil reservoir of the lubricating oil unit
has a capacity of 15 gallons and is provided with a
combination fill cap, vent, and strainer (15), and a drain
plug (8) for a fluid drainage, when required. An oil level
sight gage (5) and thermostat are installed on the left
side of the unit.
(b) With system power available from the
generator set and the INST POWER SUPPLY circuit
breaker CB5 (13, figure 2-9) energized, the LUBE
PUMP circuit breaker CB6 (2) is energized. This action
makes 117v ac, 60 Hz power available at the control
power module (Unit 5). With the INST PWR ON switch
S1 (7, figure 1-26) in the energized position, the OIL
PUMP START switch S17 (15) is depressed. This
action energizes the coils of the heavy-duty contactor
contained in the