TM 55-4920-328-13
c. After charging, service the electrolyte in the
batteries at the level specified in table 1-3.
The maximum peak discharge rate of
each battery in the electric start
system is 1,050 amperes at existing
voltage levels. The current available
with the batteries connected In parallel
is sufficiently high to cause burns and
electrical shock resulting in serious or
fatal injury to maintenance personnel.
6-18. Constant Potential Charging.
Charge the batteries at voltage Ec from table 13
for four hours. Adjust the charging rate of the battery
charger at or above the minimum amperage specified in
the table. If the battery charger is set at 200 percent of
the minimum current output, a nearly full charge (90
percent approximately) may be obtained within the first
hour. A completely discharged battery will accept high
inrush current at the specified voltage for the first few
minutes of charge, but must be adjusted after that
period of time.
6-19. Trickle Charging.
Using the trickle charging data outlined in table 1-3, fully
charged batteries may be maintained in a fully charged
6-20. Electrolyte Replacement.
After charging the discharged batteries in the
electric start system (figure 1-6), service the units using
the electrolyte shipped with the equipment. If the
electrolyte is not available, a 31 percent solution of
reagent grade potassium hydroxide in distilled or de-
ionized water (specific gravity 1. 30 at 680 F) may be
used. Replenish the electrolyte to the levels and under
the conditions specified in table 6-1. Do not overfill;
remove excess electrolyte to maintain these levels.
Table 6-1. Electrolyte Level Information
Charged (2 to 24 hours after charge)
3/16 1/16 inch
During last 20 minutes of charge
5/8 1/8 inch*
Float or trickle charge condition
3/8 1/8 inch