TM 55-4920-328-13
Observe all base fire and safety
regulations pertaining to handling
flammable and toxic liquids. Failure to
observe this warning may result in
serious or fatal injury. Exposure to
turbine oil will cause skin Irritation.
b. Fill the oil tank (1) with Specification MILL-
2104 lubricating oil, depending on ambient temperatures
requirements. Fill the oil tank to a level below the fill
pipe to avoid spillage due to thermal expansion.
c. Install the oil tank cap and filter-breather (2).
d. After 100 hours of operation of the system,
drain and refill the oil tank with the specified lubricant.
e. In the event of a water brake failure which
would contaminate the lubrication system, drain and
flush the system using SAE No. 10 lubricating oil to
remove metallic particulate matter. Refill with new
6-11. Test Trailer Air System.
At receipt of the equipment and daily, or prior to
use, as applicable, slightly open the drain valve (8,
figure 1-18) to permit draining of condensate from the
air storage tank (5). Close the valve securely when the
water has been drained from the air storage tank.
6-12. Air Compressor Assembly.
Service the air compressor (4, figure 1-19) at receipt of
the equipment, and as experience and usage dictate, in
accordance with the following:
a. Remove the oil filler and oil drain plugs from
the crankcase of the air compressor and allow the
residual oil to drain into a suitable container. Replace
the oil drain plug.
b. Fill the crankcase with 1-1/8 quarts of SAE 20
lubricating oil for moderate weather operation. For
ambient temperatures below 320F, use SAE 10
lubricating oil. For operation at temperatures below 0 °F,
preheating the crankcase is recommended prior to use.
c. After filling the crankcase, reinstall the oil filler
6-13. Auxiliary Trailer Water System.
On receipt of the equipment, service the auxiliary
trailer water system (figure 1-34), using clean, fresh
water for temperate climatic Conditions. For cold
weather operations, fill the system with a solution of
ethylene glycol and clean, fresh water in accordance
with figure 6-1. Fill the upper tank with 1,600 gallons of
liquid and fill the lower tank with 800 gallons of liquid.
Replenish the supply as usage and experience dictate.
The use of anti-leak types of anti-
freeze compounds in the water system
for c4W weather operation is not
specified in table 1-8. Failure to
observe this precaution may cause
damage to the equipment.