TM 55-4920-328-13
signals from an external thermocouple network. Voltages
from the EGT thermocouple vary in direct proportion to
the sensed temperatures. The input signals are amplified
to output voltages ranging from 0 to 5v dc. Chromel wire
and alumel wire are used in the temperature circuits to
provide the required thermoelectric characteristics. The
setpoint limits of the temperature channel and NII speed
channel are selected on Unit 3A3. Indications of out-of-
tolerance conditions are displayed on the ALARM
DISPLAY indicators in the upper panel on the services
sub-module (Unit 4). Refer to table 1-1 for leading
particulars of the engine safety unit. The Nl and N2 6X
speed multipliers are located in Unit 3A4. Two toggle
switches on Unit 3A4 (41, figure 1-21) are placarded T700
and OTHERS. The switch for T700 is activated for T700-
GE-700, -701, and -701C Ng and Np indications. The
OTHERS switch is activated for Nl and Nll indications.
4. Operator's panel assembly 3A3. The
operator's panel assembly (34, figure 1-24) is located in
the upper portion of the operator's submodule assembly
above the writing surface assembly. The operator's panel
assembly consists of a chassis assembly which provides
front panel mounting for controls and indicators. The
chassis assembly, like the majority of chassis assemblies
in the system, is a standard rack-mounted unit 19 inches
wide, 8.72 inches high, and approximately 13 inches deep
excluding the length of the slide track assemblies installed
on the left and right sides of the unit. The chassis
assembly is provided with left TM 55-4920-328-13 and
right handles and lock release pins on the front panel.
Two circular cutouts in the front panel are used for
installation of an elapsed time indicator Ml (37) and a
THROTTLE POSITION indicator M2 (8). A T700 control
panel insert (34A) is mounted between these two
indicators in the upper portion of the sub-module. In the
upper portion of this panel insert, are the TORQUE
SHARING selector switch (8A), the NP DEMAND
potentiometer (8K) and a group of indicator lights (SB
through 8E) and switch lights (8F through 8J). Toggle
switch (36A) is placarded T700 and OTHERS. This
switch is set at T700 for testing T700-GE-700, -701, and -
701C engines. An annunciator-type indicator assembly is
installed in the lower portion of the control panel.
Switchlight units are provided in the lower part of the front
panel for timer start and reset functions, and for system
controls. The operator's panel assembly contains three
terminal boards, TB1, TB2, and TB3, used for routing and
termination of circuit wiring. Connectors J1, J2, and J3,
are mounted on the external face of the rear panel. Three
switches are installed in the lower left side of the front
panel. The indicators and switchlights in the upper portion
of the T700 control panel insert are engraved with the
following nomenclature:
O.S. (8E)
IGN (8G)
A O.S. (8H)
B O.S. (8J)
The annunciator-type indicator assembly lights are
engraved with the
Change5 1-44.1/(1-44.2 blank)