TM 55-4920-428-13
f. Solder the wire to the jack. Use solder QQ-S-571 (Item 3, table 9-2). (See wiring diagram, FO-21.)
g. Install the panel. (Ref para 4-41.)
h. Perform the final test. (Ref para 4-42.)
4-24. Replacement of Terminal Boards (TB1, TB2, TB3 - CRC.
T B 4 , T B 5 , T B 7 - A V I M )
a. Remove the panel. (Ref para 4-18.)
b. (See fig. 6-3.) On terminal board TB5 (26), loosen the thumbscrews and remove the cover.
c. Tag and disconnect the wires.
d. If TB1 (83) is to be removed, refer to para 4-25 for removal of solenoid shutoff switch to gain ac-
cess to TB1 mounting hardware.
e. Remove the attaching hardware. Remove the terminal board (21, 22, 26, 83, 84 or 85).
f. Position the replacement terminal board on the rear panel. Align the mounting holes. Install the
mounting hardware.
g. Connect the wires. (See wiring diagram, FO-21.)
h. Remove the tags.
i. On terminal board TB5, install the cover.
j. Install the panel. (Ref para 4-41.)
k. Perform the final test. (Ref para 4-42.)
4-25. Replacement of Pushbutton Switches.
a. Remove the panel. (Ref para 4-18.)
b. (See fig. 6-3.) Tag and unsolder the wires from the switch (62, 63,64, or 65).
c. Remove the attaching hardware.
d. Remove the switch.
e. Install the replacement switch. Secure it with the hardware.
f. Solder the wires to the switch. Use solder QQ-S-571. (See wiring diagram, FO-21.)
g. Remove the tags.
h. Install the panel, (Ref para 4-41.)
i. Perform the final test. (Ref para 4-42.)
4-26. Replacement of Controls and Rotary Switches.
Remove the panel. (Ref para 4-18.)
(See fig. 6-3.) Tag and unsolder the wires.
Loosen the set screws and remove the knob.
Remove the attaching hardware. Remove the potentiometer (67) or switch (51, 52,61, or 68).