TM 1-1500-204-23-2
When cutting tubing 1/2 inch in diameter or larger, after cutter has made one revolution, retighten drive
screw 1/8 to 1/4 turn to prevent threading of cutter blade or tubing.
d. Tube Deburring. Special deburring tools are provided to remove burrs from the inside diameter (ID) of the tubing.
The tool consists of a plunger-activated stem subassembly, Incorporating an elastic plug, that is inserted into the tube
end up to the point where the cutter makes contact with the burr. Deactivation of the plunger causes the elastic plug of
the stem subassembly to expand, thus creating an interference fit with the ID of the tube. Hand rotation of the knurled
tool body operates the cutter and accomplishes the deburring, while the elastic plug prevents chips generated during the
deburring operation from entering the tubing After trapping the chips, the plug wipes the tube ID clean as it is withdrawn.
e. Tube End Preparation. The tube end to be swaged shall be deburred and square to within 1/2 degree of square
to the tube centerline Deburring forms a slight chamfer on the Inner edges of the cut tube. The chamfer shall be a
maximum of 1/2 of the tube wall thickness at an angle no greater than 45 degrees Mark the tube ends with a tube
insertion band or mark using the felt tip pen (provided with kit), ink, or other suitable marking media in accordance with
one of the following procedures.'
Remove any paint from the end of lines for a minimum distance of 1/2 the length of a union (D10036)
fitting prior to swaging. After swaging, prime and repaint per normal procedures.
(1) Tube insertion mark using Permaswage Marking Tool D9862 may be accomplished by positioning the lip
stop of the marking tool, as shown In figure 4-82, over the end of the tube to be swaged Use the appropriate tube size
slot as a marking guide, making sure the total width of the mark is made on the tube The tube Insertion length and 0.300
of an inch marking band width are part of the D9862 marking tool.
(2) Using table 4-37, determine the Tube Insertion Band Location as shown In figure 4-83 (This method is used
when Permaswage Marking Tool is not available).
Do not glass bead blast or electro-etch aluminum tubing. Failure to comply will compromise the strength
of the tubing.
If required, either procedure (1) or (2) may be accomplished with permanent marking such as glass bead
blast, electro-etching, paint, dye, tape, or other suitable permanent marking media.
f. Swaging Operation. Swaging tools D10001, D10002, and D10003 are used to make permanent tubing joints by
swaging an appropriate Permaswage fitting onto compatible tubing. The types of tubing are restricted to those
aluminum, stainless steel, or titanium tubing listed in Table 4-35 The fittings may be unions, tees, crosses, separable
fittings, reducer fittings, or other special fittings, as shown in figure 4-84. A tube end gap Installation tolerance of 0.300
of an inch is provided to facilitate production assembly for all fittings except separables, which have 0 150 of an inch gap.
Each of the three swaging tools covers a range of tubing sizes, as shown In the following list.
3/16" (-3) 1/4" (-4)
5/16" (-5) 3/8" (-6)
1/2" (-S) 5/8" (-10)
3/4" (-12)
1" (-16) 1-1/4" (-20)
1-1/2" (-24)