TM 1-1500-204-23-6
Single-Wire Method. Examples of the single- wire method of securing with lockwire are shown in figure 2-79.
This method shall be used on small screws in a closely spaced, closely geometrical pattern (triangle, square,
rectangle, circle), parts Installed In electrical systems, and In places that are difficult to reach. The largest
nominal size wire which the hole will accommodate may be used.
Closely spaced shall be considered a maximum of 2 inches between centers
Safetying Emergency Devices. Use 0.020-inch diameter copper wire, Federal Specification QQ-W-343, for
securing emergency devices where easy accessibility must be maintained. Accessibility Is accomplished by
breaking wire. The following general rules shall apply.
(1) Use a 0 020-inch diameter copper wire when emergency devices such as canopies, exits, and the like
require servicing.
(2) Use a 0 020-inch diameter copper wire to secure nonstructural parts
such as emergency valves,
oxygen regulators, and the like.
(3) Secure first aid kits In accordance with TM 1-1500-204-23-1.
(4) Secure items requiring seal wire to ensure completeness of contents or to determine when contents
have been used with 0 020-inch diameter copper wire. Seal with a lead seal.
Lockwiring Turnbuckles. The standard procedure for securing turnbuckles is shown in figure 2-80. Employ
this procedure when lockwire replacement is required on turnbuckles secured by other methods. Use wire
sizes specified as follows: 0 032-inch diameter on assemblies where cable diameter is 1/16-inch, 0.041-inch
diameter wire on assemblies where cable diameter is 3/32-, 1/8- or 3/16-inch, and 0 047-inch diameter wire on
assemblies where cable diameter is greater than 3/16-inch.
Speed Rig Safetying. Insert lockwire through eyelet in speed rig, wrap lockwire around pin, then back through
eyelet as shown in figure 2-81. Twist wire to proper length and secure around locking collar at base of
speeding, cut wire to proper length, twist and fold into speed rig cavity.
Rod End Safetying. Lockwire rod end (key type NAS559), as shown in figure 2-82.
Securing Electrical and Electronic Connectors. Secure electrical and electronic connectors in accordance with
TM 55-1500-323-24.
Torque. Tighten nuts to torque specified in table 2-9. Apply torque to a bolt head only when a torque wrench
cannot be used on the nut. After application of torque to a nut, further tightening to align the slot for cotter pin or lockwire
is permitted.
Torque Definitions. Torque definitions are explained In the following paragraphs.
(1) Breakaway torque Breakaway torque (table 2-8) is defined as minimum torque required to start the
movement of a nut on or off bolt with no axial load on the nut and with the bolt completely through the
(2) Friction torque (tare, drag, run on). Friction torque Is the torque required to overcome the internal
friction between a self-locking nut and bolt as the nut is being turned on the bolt, but before the nut
contacts the washer (no axial load).
(3) Final torque. Final torque is the sum of the friction torque plus the applicable torque values from table
2-9 or friction torque plus torque from the applicable maintenance manual.
(4) Break-loose torque Break-loose torque is defined as the effort to break loose an axially loaded nut.
Considerations to be Taken Before Torquing. Use the torque value given In the applicable maintenance manual
with the detailed Instructions for the assembly or the installation of the components. In those instances where the torque
value is not specified, use table 2-9, which Is a standard table of recommended torque values for tightening different
types of standard nuts. The following points should be considered prior to installation of any fastener requiring torque.
(1) Thread lubrication. Threads must be clean and free from nicks, burrs, paint, grease, or oil to obtain the
correct tension or preload in the bolt when It Is tightened to the specified torque value. However, there
are some applications where lubrication or antiseize compound is used on the threads. The
maintenance manual should be consulted with regard to the torque value for lubricated threads when