NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-3
003 02
1 September 2011
Page 35
h. Pull tool straight out of contact cavity. Remove
39. Wired Contact Removal.
tool from wire. Pull back lightly on wire to ensure
a. Select correct removal tool (Table 2).
contact is properly seated.
i. Seal connector as required (Paragraph 35).
Metal tool tips are sharp and can cause injury to
36. Sealing Plugs. Seal connector in accordance with
personnel and/or damage to connectors.
following procedure:
a. Fill all unused cavities with uncrimped contacts
(Paragraph 34).
b. Insert sealing plug, large diameter end first, until
Present metal tooling in some instances has
bottomed in contact cavity. Do not insert further than
damaged the wire sealing grommet at the end
knob. Fill all cavities that have uncrimped contacts. For
of the connectors. Plastic tools are preferred.
grommet sealing plug selection, refer to NAVAIR 01-
1A-505-1, WP 023 00.
Caution should be exercised in the use of
37. Moisture Barrier. For connector sealing procedures,
including application of sealant to grommet sealed
Inspect tips of metal tools for distortion of
connectors, refer to NAVAIR 01-1A-505-1, WP 025 00.
probe before use as connector damage can
38. CONTACT REMOVAL. Remove wired, unwired,
and broken wire contacts in accordance with following
b. Place wire of contact to be removed into removal
tool, with white tip facing connector insert (Figure 19).
Figure 19. Inserting Wire into Removal Tool
Figure 20. Removal Tool on Wire