TM 1-1510-262-10
Figure 4-6. Electro-Optic Missile Sensor
Table 4-5.
Mounting Holes (4 places)
Used to secure EOMS to platform.
Optical Aperture (120 FOV)
Collects ultraviolet (UV) emissions.
BIT Lamp
Active during BIT as UV source.
J1 connector
Power and data interface with the ECU.
(4) Coarse/Acquisition - Miniature Integrated GPS/INS Tactical System (C-MIGITS). The C-MIGITSTM
III Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS) provides essential three dimensional po-
sition, velocity, precise time, attitude, heading, angular rate, and acceleration. An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
III operates from +28 Vdc provided by an EGI Power Supply. The CMWS on the RC-12 platform can operate in
the pseudo INS mode without the GPS/INS components by installing a jumper cable that changes the aircraft ID
for the ECU. The aircraft ID jumper cable is installed between the wiring harness PP902 and ECU J2 when not
using the C-MIGITS III. This change in aircraft ID indicates which software will be used by the ECU during startup.
Integral to the C-MIGITS are the RS-232 to RS-422 converter and EGI Power Supply. The RS-232 to RS-422 Data
Converter provides bi-directional data transfer between the C-MIGITSTM III and the ECU. EGI Power Supply, this
Power Supply unit regulates and ilters the +28 Vdc aircraft power and is used to supply power to the C-MIGITSTM
III module and the Data Converter.