TM 1-1510-262-10
Figure 4-8. Sequencer
Table 4-6.
Sequence Functions
S1 ALE-47
Set to position 1, used in conjunction with S2 deines sequencer
S2 ALE-47
Set to position A, used in conjunction with S1
Connector jack 1
Connects to Flare dispenser (SD - A)
Connector jack 2
Interfaces with SACP, ECU and the ECU service panel
Connector jack 3
Connects to Chaff dispenser (SD - B)
(Right side - Not visible)
(6) Dispenser. The system consists of one Flare Dispenser (SD A) and one Chaff Dispenser (SD B). The
dispensers are identical to each other and are interchangeable. Each Dispenser consists of a housing with internal
circuitry and a breech plate. The breech plate provides interface with the Payload Module and delivers iring and
polling pulses from the Sequencer to the squibs in the Payload Module. The Flare Dispenser is mounted on the
right side of the fuselage. A Payload Module with 30 lare cartridges is installed in this Dispenser. The Flare
Dispenser is positioned so that lares are dispensed downwards. A Chaff Dispenser is mounted in the aft portion of
the right engine nacelle. A Payload Module containing 30 chaff cartridges, is installed in this Dispenser. The Chaff
Dispenser is positioned so that chaff is dispensed rearwards. Each Dispenser has a J1 connector on the bottom
but no controls or indicators.