TM 1-1510-262-10
(7) Payload Module/Magazine. A Payload Module contains 30 munitions chambers, a retainer plate, and
four captive mounting bolts. During missions when protection against IR and TTR missile threats are required, a
loaded Payload Module containing 30 lare or 30 chaff cartridges, as applicable, is installed in the Flare and Chaff
Dispensers. Qualiied personnel only shall perform loading, unloading, and troubleshooting of lares, chaff, and
squibs. AVUM maintenance is restricted to installing and removing loaded Payload Modules. There are three
types of lare cartridges that are zone loaded in the Payload Module by ordnance-qualiied personnel in accordance
with the zone loading diagram. Only one type of chaff cartridge is used so zone loading of chaff cartridges is not
Figure 4-10. Payload Module