TM 1-1510-262-10
Figure 4-7. Coarse/Acquisition - Miniature Integrated GPS/INS Tactical System (C-MIGITS)
(5) Sequencer. The Sequencer controls the Flare Dispenser (Smart Dispenser (SD) A) and Chaff Dis-
penser (SD B). The Sequencer receives dispense commands from the ECU over the ICMD Serial Data Link (SDL)
and delivers squib iring power to speciic ire pins in the breech plate of a Dispenser to implement the dispense
solution. The squib-iring source is resident in the Sequencer. There are 30 iring lines from the Sequencer to each
Dispenser for igniting the individual squibs in the Payload Module installed in a Dispenser. The ECU commands the
Sequencer to ire a dispense solution, but the Sequencer determines which squibs to ignite based on availability of
munitions to implement the commanded solution type. The Sequencer provides +14V to +18V to the Dispensers
to power the breech plate electronics. During maintenance testing of the dispense circuitry, the maintainer can set
the system to bypass the ECU control of the Sequencer. This Mode is entered when the REINVENTORY switch
on ECU Service Panel is latched up (on). This action sends a discrete signal to the ECU and the Sequencer. The
discrete at the ECU takes it out of the control loop with the Sequencer. The discrete at the Sequencer commands
it to respond to the chaff dispense discrete and ire squibs IAW pre-programmed instructions that were downloaded
from the UDM during system initialization. The FLARE DISP switch on the ECU Service Panel is ineffective in this
Mode. The REINVENTORY Mode and FLARE DISP switch are never to be used during light operations.