TM 1-1510-262-10
(2) PCMCIA/UDM card. The User Data Module (UDM) is a classiied, removable Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) module that is installed in the UDM housing on the ECU. The
UDM contains the Operational Flight Program (OFP), aircraft, threat/countermeasure ile library, and mission spe-
ciic information used in the embedded system. All classiied system data is contained within the UDM. Once the
UDM is removed, the UDM must be secured in a classiied container. Rapid destruction (not declassiication) of
UDM data and the UDM itself is accomplished by activating the ZEROIZE switch on the Safe/Arm Control Panel
while the system is powered on.
Figure 4-5. User Data Module Installation
(3) Electro-Optic Missile Sensor. The EOMS is a wide Field of View (FOV), staring, imaging optical
receiver. It passively detects energy in the UV portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The EOMS collects
in-band UV radiation, converts the received energy into electrical signals, and sends the signals to the ECU over
a high-speed serial data bus. The ECU provides the EOMS with timing, and control data. The ECU also provides
anti-ice heater power, and iltered and regulated operating power. The EOMS contains Built-in Test (BIT) functions
for fault detection and isolation. The EOMS is mounted on the platform with the sensor apertures exposed to the
outside environment. The EOMS operates in all speciied platform light envelopes and environmental require-
ments. Convective cooling is used for heat dissipation.