TM 1-1510-262-10
(9) CMWS Safe/Arm Control Panel. CMWS Safe/Arm Control Panel. The Safe/Arm Control Panel
(SACP) provides additional user interface with the system. Speciic discrete signals for Arming/Saing the system
and certain emergency actions are available. The SACP is located in the lower-right area of the control pedestal.
The Figure/Table below show and list the purpose and use of each switch, control, and display.
Figure 4-13. CMWS Safe/Arm Control Panel
Table 4-8.
CMWS Safe/Arm Control Panel switch functions
Activating this switch will jettison all lare cartridges.
It has no affect on chaff cartridges.
Two position, guarded toggle switch. In off (down) position,
jettison is disabled. In on (up) position, all lares will be
jettisoned (used for emergency purposes) if armed and no
safety mechanisms are set ("R" illuminated on CI display).
SAFETY PIN receptacle
Used for saing the system by inserting and locking a removable
pin that has a REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT red banner attached.
When the pin is inserted, the +28 Vdc ARM signal path is
opened, thus removing squib power from the Sequencer.
SAFE/ARM switch
Two position, lockout switch. SAFE - voltage is not supplied to
the squibs. ARM - Squib voltage is applied to the Sequencer
provided the two safety pins (SAFETY PIN receptacle on CMWS
Safe/Arm Control Panel and right wing SAFETY SWITCH, and
the ground safety relay (WOW relay) is energized (aircraft is
in the air).
ZEROIZE switch
Two position, guarded toggle switch. If the ZEROIZE switch is
activated, all CMWS/ICMD functions become non-operational.
(The UDM is destroyed.) In off (down) position, Zeroize is
disabled. In on (up) position, Zeroize is activated - the UDM
contents are zeroed out and the UDM itself is physically
(10) ECU Service Panel. The ECU Service Panel serves as a +28 Vdc CB distribution panel, test port in-
terface, and a lare iring and munitions reinventory interface during maintenance checks. The panel also provides
a CHAFF PROGRAM select switch for setting the chaff dispense solution during prelight operations.