TM 1-1510-262-10
Zeroize and destroy the UDM to prevent unauthorized disclosure of classiied SECRET information
and data.
After a Zeroize action has occurred, and the UDM data has been destroyed, the PCMCIA/UDM card
is still a classiied device. The crew shall make every effort to secure the card during egress.
Jettison lares to reduce the risk of ire during an emergency.
c. Enable Protection. The system safeties are arraigned in series and all 5 logic gates must be satisied to illu-
minate the "R" on the CI. The arrangement that follows is the normal low of actions but does not dictate a mandatory
Right Wing safety switch pin removed during pre-light.
CI powered ON (system PASS is assumed upon completion of start-up).
SACP safety pin removed (Before take-off).
(4) Aircraft left main gear squat/weight-on-wheels (WOW) switch closed, indicating the aircraft weight is
off the wheels.
SACP SAFE/ARM switch is in the ARM position, while airborne.
d. Disable Protection. The system requires all 5 safeties be satisied to allow an automatic lare dispense or
a manual chaff dispense. The crew can utilize any one of the 5 to prevent munitions dispensing. The arrangement
that follows is the normal low of actions but does not dictate a mandatory sequence.
SACP SAFE/ARM switch is in the SAFE position, while airborne.
(2) Aircraft left main gear squat/weight-on-wheels (WOW) switch open, indicating the aircraft weight is on
the wheels.
SACP safety pin installed (After landing).
CI powered OFF.
Right Wing safety switch pin installed during post-light.
e. Misire Detection. When dispensing lares the system detects each lare type of the solution via the EOMS
UV sensor capability. In dispense situations the Sequencer tracks in memory which lares were ired, passes the
count to the ECU, which in turn decrements the inventory on the CI. If sensor capability does not detect a lare
type that should have ired, and the system is in auto mode, the system will automatically attempt to re-ire another
solution one time. Several factors could be the cause of a misire or inventory issues, but generally the dispensing
electronics/hardware or the munitions (squibs, lare cartridge, and chaff cartridge) cause the fault. Qualiied person-
nel shall handle checking out the munitions area for faults: Payload Module chambers and retaining plate, squibs,
lare cartridges, and chaff cartridges.
f. CI Display Messages. The table below lists the possible messages and their meaning. The information pro-
vides the crew with system status and capability. It is the crew s responsibility to asses degraded and/or failed
messages and the Mission impact the message has.