TM 55-4920-328-13
6-27. General.
Certain components of the METS system may be
repaired by replacement of detail parts or using bulk
items, particularly when the assembly is considered a
high-value item.
For consumable materials not listed in
the following instructions, refer to
table 1-8.
6-28. Cable Assemblies.
Repair cable assemblies on a temporary basis
until a new part may be procured. Repair defective
cable assemblies using good shop practice and in
accordance with the following:
a. Disconnect broken wires from the associated
connector pin or terminal plug.
b. Attach a new wire in place of the broken wire
run to the existing connector pin, using a new terminal
lug when applicable. If the connector pin is damaged
beyond use, in some cases a spare pin in the connector
may be used for connection of the new wire. If this
practice is followed, it is mandatory that the mating
connector be rewired accordingly and an entry made in
the maintenance log to this effect. Use the electrical
schematics depicted in figures FO-2 through FO27 to
trace wiring of the circuits in the system.
c. Replace damaged cable marking sleeves by
using a new sleeve of like part number. Install the
replacement sleeve using the cement specified in table
1-8. Add cable markings using black waterproof
marking enamel conforming to FED-STD595. When
dry, cover the characters with clear acrylic lacquer
conforming to Specification MILL-19537 and allow to dry
6-29. Painting.
Repair damaged painted areas on external sheet
metal panels as follows:
a. Mask adjoining unpainted surfaces with
Specification QQ-T-106 masking tape.
b. Use successively finer grades of Specification
P-P-101 sandpaper, to abrade the damaged painted
area to a feather edge.
Use solvent in a well-ventilated area.
contact. Keep away from open flame.
Wear protective respiratory equipment
and clothing prescribed by base safety
c. Clean the abraded area using Specification P-
D-680 dry-cleaning solvent. Wipe dry with a clean cloth
conforming to Specification CCC-F46.
d. For aluminum parts, apply a coating of
chemical film conforming to Specification MIL-C5541.
e. For steel parts, apply a mild solution of
Specification O-C-303 chromic acid. wipe dry, and then
neutralize the surface with an application of a mild
solution of Specification O-S-598 sodium hydroxide.
Rinse with clean hot water and dry thoroughly.
f. Spray paint a uniform undercoating of
Specification MIL-P-8585 zinc chromate primer and
allow to dry thoroughly.
g. Apply an even coating of finish paint
conforming to Specification TT-E-529, Class A, color
No. X24087.
h. Restore obliterated reference designation ink
(Specification TT-1-528) and rubber stamps conforming
in size to the illegible markings. Cover the ink markings
with a coat of clear acrylic lacquer conforming to
Specification MIL-L-19537.
6-30. Nutplates, Fasteners and Springs.
Replace damaged nutplates, Dzus fasteners, and
mating springs as follows:
a. Use an appropriate size high speed drill in a
1/4-inch capacity electric drill, to remove the rivets
which attach the defective part to the sheet metal
structural component.
b. Remove the burrs around the drilled holes and
apply a light coating of Specification MIL-C5541
chemical film to the bare metal, if aluminum. If the
structural part is steel, apply a light coating of
Specification MIL-P-8585 zinc chromate primer to the