TM 55-4920-328-13
5. Pressure transmitter MT3. The pressure
transmitter (177, figure 7-24) is installed in the data
acquisition assembly for use in sensing compressor
discharge air pressure. This unit is identical to pressure
transmitters MT1 and MT2 except for input pressure
range and pressure circuit function. The input range of
the unit is 0 to 100 psig with an analog output of 0 to 5v
dc full scale. The pressure transmitter senses
compressor discharge air pressures and converts these
TORQUE/PRESSURE digital indicator (4, figure 122)
after signal conditioning.
6. Pressure transmitter MT4. This pressure
transmitter (178, figure 7-24) is identical to pressure
transmitter MT3 except for the input pressure range.
This unit is installed in the data acquisition assembly to
sense compressor discharge air pressures from the
engine under test. Input pressure range of the unit is 0
to 200 psig with an analog output range of 0 to 5v dc
with an excitation voltage of 28v dc. The unit senses
compressor discharge air pressure and converts these
values to analog signals to the TORQUE/PRESSURE
digital indicator (4, figure 1-22) after signal conditioning.
7. Pressure gage transmitters MT5, MT6,
MT9, and MT10. These pressure gage transmitters
(193, figure 7-24) are identical in design and differ only
in pressure circuit function. The 0 to 200 psig pressure
range and the analog voltage output ranges are
identical. Pressure gage transmitter MT5 is used to
sense torque oil pressures through a range form 0 to
200 psig. The excitation voltage required for each unit
is 26v, 400 Hz. The voltage output of this unit is analog
ac and is displayed on the TORQUE PRESSURE
synchro indicator on the operator's panel, and is also
conditioned to be displayed as gage pressures on the
TROQUE/PRESSURE digital indicator (4, figure 122).
Pressure transmitter MT6 senses engine outlet oil
pressure with the same pressure range as MT5.
Pressure switch S2, connected to the same engine oil
pressure sense line as MT6, is used to provide an
engine low oil pressure signal. The analog output of
MT6 is also conditioned and displayed on the
transmitter MT9 senses scavenge oil pump pressures
over the same input pressure range. The analog output
of this unit is conditioned to be displayed on the same
indicator. Pressure transmitter MT10 senses torque
boost oil pressure and operates through the same
pressure range as the preceding units. Selection of
pressures to be displayed on the TORQUE/PRESSURE
digital indicator is made by depressing the TM 55-4920-
328-13 appropriate pushbutton switch on the data
selector assembly (7, figure 1-22).
8. Pressure transmitters MT7 and MT8.
Pressure transmitters MT7 and MT8 (192, figure 724)
are used to sense oil pressures in an engine under test.
Input pressure ranges from 0 to 25 psig are sensed by
each transmitter. Output signals in the form of analog
ac voltages are conditioned and displayed on the
TORQUE/PRESSURE digital indicator (4, figure 1-22)
as gage pressure values which vary in direct proportion
to the input analog signals. Excitation for each pressure
transmitter is provided by the system 26v ac, 400 Hz
power supply. Each unit is a synchro type of transmitter
similar to a transformer with a movable core. The core
(rotor) is positioned by varying input pressures through
internal linkage. Changing the position of the rotor
varies the coupling between the windings of the
transformer (stator) to vary the induced voltage across
the stator output leads.
9. Pressure gage transmitter MT11.
Pressure gage MT11 (194, figure 7-24) is used to' sense
engine inlet fuel pressure. This pressure gage
transmitter is identical in design and function to other
transmitters except for the pressure circuit in which it is
installed. The input pressure range is 0 to 100 psig.
Output analog ac signals are displayed on the digital
indicator (4, figure 122). Selection of the pressure to be
displayed on the digital indicator is made by depressing
the applicable pushbutton switch on the data selector
assembly (7). Excitation voltage for the pressure gage
transmitter is provided by system 26v ac,' 400 Hz
power. The unit is a synchro transmitter similar to a
transformer with a movable core. The core is positioned
through internal linkage by varying input pressures.
Changing the position of the rotor varies the coupling
between the winding of the transformers (startor) to vary
the induced voltages across the stator output leads.
The synchro output is then fed to a synchro to DC
converter, the output of which is conditioned through
zero and span potentiometers and then routed to the
digital indicator.
10. Pressure gage transmitters MT12, MT13,
and MT14. These pressure gage transmitters (195,
figure 7-24) are used to sense engine fuel manifold
pressure, engine fuel pump No. 1 pressure, and engine
transmitters are identical in design and function;
therefore, only one will be described. The unit is a
synchro transmitter, similar to a transformer with a
movable core. The core: (rotor) is connected_ to a
diaphragm through