TM 55-4920-328-13
Figure 1-35. Auxiliary Trailer Water System Schematic Diagram.
Auxiliary trailer water system. The
auxiliary trailer water System (figure 1-34) provides a
controlled flow of water, under pressure, to the test
trailer water system. (Refer to paragraph 1-4d (9)(a) for
information on the test trailer water system.) The
auxiliary trailer water system consists essentially of/two
aluminum water tanks (3,5), a 30-horsepower water
brake supply pump (8), and a 7.5-horsepower cooling
tower circulating pump (2). The water tanks are
mounted on the forward end of the trailer frame. The
two pumps are connected to plumbing lines beneath the
trailer frame and are located on the trailer deck behind
the cooling tower assembly. The lower water tank is
divided into two reservoirs, a hot water well and a cold
water well. The upper water tank serves as a make-up
water reservoir to the cold well. A makeup water float
valve maintains proper water level in the cold water
well. If the water level drops to 11 inches or below, a
float switch in the cold well closes, causing a warning
light to illuminate and the audible alarm to sound. As
shown schematically in figure 1-35, the circulating pump
pumps water from the hot water well to the cooling tower
module for cooling. After cooling, the water drains from
the cooling tower module to the cold water well. The
water brake supply pump delivers the cooled water from
the cold well, through