TM 1-1500-204-23-1
bushing or thimble by means of a splicing clamp leaving
8 inches or more of free end. Secure splicing clamp in
a vise with free end to the left of standing wire and away
from operator.
3 Select free strand (1, figure
9-23) nearest standing length and separate this strand
from rest of separate ends.
4 Insert a marlin-spike under
first three stands (A, B, and C) of standing length
nearest separated strands of free end and separate
them momentarily by twisting marlin-spike.
5 Insert free strand (1) under
three separated strands through opening created by
marlin spike. Pull free strand taut, using pliers.
6 Unwind a second strand (2),
located to left of first strand tucked, and insert this
second strand under first two standing strands (A and
strand (3) located to left of first two, and insert it under
first standing strand (A).
8 Remove center or core
strand (7) from free end and insert it under same
standing strands (A and B).
strand to body of standing cable.
10 Loosen strand (6) located to
right of first strand (1) and tuck it under last two strands
(E and F) of standing cable.
11 Tuck fifth free end (5)
around fifth standing strand (E). Tuck fourth free end
(4) around sixth standing strand (F).
12 Pull all strands snug toward
end fitting with pliers. This completes first tuck.
13 Begin with first free strand
(1) and work in a counterclockwise direction, tucking
free strands under every other standing strand
14 After completion of every
tuck, pull strands taut with pliers. Pull toward end fitting.
15 After completion of third
complete tuck, have the number of wires in each free
strand. Make another complete tuck with remaining
16 At completion of fourth tuck,
again halve number of wires in free strands and make
one final tuck with remaining wires.
17 Cut off all protruding strands
and pound splice with a wooden or rawhide mallet to
relieve strains in wires.
18 Serve spice with waxed line
cord. Start 1/4 inch from end of splice and carry
wrapping over loose end of cord and along tapered
splice to a point between second and third tucks
19 Insert end of cord back
through last five wrappings and pull snug.
20 Cut off end, and when a
thimble is used as an end fitting, bend down points.
21 Apply two coats of shellac,
Federal Specification TT-S-271, to the cord, allowing 2
hours between coats.
strands and spices for local failure. Weakness in a
woven splice is made evident by a separation of strands
of serving cord.
Wrapped solder splice. The
wrapped solder splice may be used on 1/16-inch cable
only to fabricate end fittings. The procedure is as
follows (see figure 9-24).
1 Arrange cable and fittings as
required, allowing approximately 2 1/4 inches of free
2 Place assembly in a splicing
clamp and secure in a vise.
3 Starting as close as practical
to end fittings, press free end standing lengths of cable
together tightly, and wrap with a single layer of 0.020
inch brass or copper wire, Federal Specification QQ-W-
343, leaving a space of approximately 1/8 inch between
every 1/2 inch of wrapping.
Care must be exercised to prevent
standing length from twisting during
this operation.