TM 1-1510-262-10
8-34. LANDING.
Maximum demonstrated crosswind component for aircraft weighing between 13,000 and 15,675
pounds is 25 knots at 90 off the nose. Maximum demonstrated crosswind component for aircraft
weighing below 13,000 pounds is 20 knots at 90 off the nose. Landing aircraft in crab will impose
side loads on landing gear and should be recorded on DA Form 2408-13-1.
a. Normal Landing. Refer to Chapter 7 for performance data. When landing is assured:
1. Autopilot and yaw damper -- Disengage.
2. GEAR DOWN annunciators -- Check.
If the approach has been lown through accumulating icing conditions and a change in the conigu-
ration of the aircraft exhibits an abnormal reaction, immediately return the aircraft coniguration to
the last stable settings.
4. FLAPS -- as required.
% CMWS SAFE/ARM switch -- SAFE.
b. Crosswind Landing. Refer to Chapter 7 for recommended Vref speed. Use the crab into the wind method
to correct for drift during inal approach. The crab is changed to a slip (aileron into wind and top rudder) to correct
for drift during lare and touchdown. After landing, position ailerons as required to correct for crosswind effect. For
crosswind exceeding the published limits, a combination slip and crab method at touchdown should be used.
When a touch and go or stop and go landing is to be performed, the following procedures shall be used:
@ FLAPS -- As required.
# Trim -- Set.
4. Power stabilized -- Check 40% torque minimum and even.
% Takeoff power -- Set.
8-36. GO-AROUND.
When a go-around is commenced prior to the LANDING check, use power as required to climb to, or maintain, the
desired altitude and airspeed. Retract the landing gear after ensuring that the aircraft will not touch the ground.
Accelerate to two-engine climb airspeed, retracting laps fully after attaining Vyse.
1. POWER -- Maximum allowable.
2. LDG CONTROL handle (positive climb) -- UP.
# FLAPS -- UP.
% Climb power -- Set.
^ BRAKE deice -- OFF.
& CMWS SAFE/ARM switch -- ARM as required.
Balked landing is only to be conducted with both engines operating.
A balked landing is a missed approach that will be conducted at lower airspeeds in the inal landing coniguration
or a bounced landing. The primary intent is to gain altitude in order to avoid obstacles and then accelerate and
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