TM 1-1510-262-10
Due to the possibilities of ire warning malfunctions, the ire should be visually identiied before
the engine is secured and the extinguisher actuated.
$ FIRE PULL handle -- PULL .
5. PUSH TO EXTINGUISH switch -- Push (if required).
^ Engine Cleanup checklist -- Perform.
7. Land as soon as practical.
d. Fuselage Fire. If a fuselage ire occurs, perform the following:
! Fight the ire.
2. Land as soon as possible if ire continues.
e. Wing Fire. There is little that can be done to control a wing ire except to shut off fuel and electrical systems
that may be contributing to the ire, or which could aggravate it. Diving and slipping the aircraft away from the
burning wing may help. If a wing ire occurs, perform the following:
1. Perform engine shutdown on affected side.
2. Land as soon as possible.
f. Electrical Fire. Upon noting the existence or indications of an electrical ire, turn off all affected electrical
circuits, if known. If electrical ire source is unknown, perform the following:
1. Crew oxygen -- 100% and ON.
@ All nonessential electrical equipment -- OFF.
With loss of DC electrical power, the aircraft will depressurize. All electrical instruments, with the
exception of PROP RPM, N 1 RPM, ESIS and TGT gauges, will be inoperative.
3. Land as soon as practicable.
g. Smoke and Fumes Elimination. To eliminate smoke and fumes from the aircraft, perform the following:
1. Crew oxygen -- 100% and ON.
@ ENVIRO & PNEU BLEED AIR valve switches -- PNEU ONLY.
$ AFT VENT BLOWER switch -- OFF.
^ If smoke and fumes is not eliminated CABIN PRESS switch -- DUMP.
Opening storm window (after depressurizing) will facilitate smoke and fume removal.
7. Engine instruments -- Monitor.
The following procedure assumes the structural integrity of the aircraft and smooth light conditions. If structural
integrity is in doubt, limit speed as much as possible, reduce rate of descent if necessary, and avoid high maneu-
vering loads. For emergency descent, perform the following:
Change 2