TM 1-1510-262-10
Use the following procedures, as applicable, for light control malfunctions.
a. Autopilot Emergency Disconnection. The autopilot can be disengaged by any of the following methods:
1. Pressing the AP & YD/TRIM DISC switch.
@ Pressing the YD ENGAGE pushbutton on the autopilot controller.
3. Pressing the GO-AROUND switch (yaw damper will remain on).
$ Setting the AUTO PLT power switch to off position.
% Setting AVIONICS MASTER POWER switch to the OFF (aft) position.
^ Setting aircraft MASTER SWITCH to the OFF position.
& Pulling the AP CONTR and AFCS DIRECT circuit breakers.
b. Yaw Damp Emergency Disconnection. The yaw damp can be disengaged by any of the following meth-
1. Pressing the AP & YD/TRIM DISC switch.
@ Pressing the YD ENGAGE pushbutton on the autopilot controller.
# Setting the RUDDER BOOST/YAW CONTROL TEST switch to the YAW CONTROL TEST position.
$ Setting the AUTO PLT power switch to OFF (aft).
% Pulling the AP CONTR circuit breaker.
^ Pulling the RUDDER BOOST circuit breaker.
& Setting AVIONICS MASTER POWER switch to the OFF (aft) position.
* Setting aircraft MASTER switch to the OFF position.
c. Unscheduled Rudder Boost Activation. Rudder boost operation without a large variation of power be-
tween engines indicates a failure of the system. Perform the following:
1. AP & YD/TRIM DISC switch -- Disconnect and hold (hold to irst level).
@ RUDDER BOOST switch -- OFF.
# RUDDER BOOST circuit breaker -- Pull (provided that rudder boost does not deactivate).
4. AP & YD/TRIM DISC switch -- Release.
% Yaw damper -- Reengage (if RUDDER BOOST circuit breaker is not pulled).
d. Unscheduled Electric Trim. In the event of unscheduled electric elevator trim, perform the following:
1. AP & YD/TRIM DISC switch -- Press to 2 nd detent.
@ ELEV TRIM switch -- OFF/RESET.
# ELEC TRIM circuit breaker -- PULL.
Structural damage may exist after landing with brake, tire, or landing gear malfunctions. Under no
circumstances shall an attempt be made to inspect the aircraft until jacks have been installed.
Test the green gear down indicator lights and monitor the red LDG GEAR CONTROL handle indi-
cator prior to initiating this procedure.
a. Landing Gear Unsafe Annunciator Light Indication.
1. LDG GEAR CONTROL handle -- Check DN.
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