TM 1-1510-262-10
Circuit breakers should not be reset more than once until the cause of circuit malfunction has been
determined and corrected.
2. Nonessential circuit -- Do not reset.
# Essential circuit -- Reset once. If it trips again, do not reset.
g. BATTERY CHARGE Annunciator Illuminated. If the BATTERY CHARGE caution annunciator illuminates
during normal cruise light, perform the following:
! Battery ammeter -- Check, note indication, and monitor for increasing load. If load continues
to increase, turn battery switch OFF.
@ BATTERY switch -- OFF.
The battery may be turned back ON only for gear and lap extension and approach to landing. Bat-
tery may be usable after a 15 - 20 minute cool down period.
# BATTERY switch (landing gear/lap extension only) -- ON then OFF.
h. AVIONICS MASTER POWER Switch Failure. If the AVIONICS MASTER POWER switch fails to operate
in the ON position, perform the following:
! AVIONICS MASTER CONTR circuit breaker -- Pull.
The avionics power relay is normally hot. Pulling the AVIONICS MASTER CONTR circuit breaker
will remove power to the relay, thus allowing electrical power to the associated busses.
i. BAT FEED FAULT Annunciator Illuminated. If the BAT FEED FAULT caution annunciator illuminates, per-
form the following:
! BATTERY switch -- RESET , then ON.
a. Zero Amps:
! PROP switch -- AUTO.
@ If in AUTO with a reading of zero amps, the system is inoperative, position switch to off.
# Use MANUAL position -- Monitor load meter.
b. Below 26 Amps:
1. Continue operation.
2. If propeller imbalance occurs, increase RPM briely to aid in ice removal.
c. Over 32 Amps:
1. If circuit breaker does not trip, continue operation.
2. If propeller imbalance occurs, increase RPM briely to aid in ice removal.
# If circuit beaker trips, use MANUAL system.
4. If manual mode circuit beaker trips, avoid icing conditions.
! MANUAL switch -- Hold in MANUAL position for approximately 90 seconds, or until ice is dislodged
from blades.
@ Monitor aircraft load meter for an approximate 5% load increase when the switch is placed in the MAN-
UAL position to verify the manual system is functioning.