TM 1-1510-262-10
$ LDG GEAR CONTROL handle -- DN.
% Airspeed -- 179 KIAS (0.472 Mach) maximum.
Windshield defogging may be required.
a. FUEL PRESS Warning Annunciator Illuminated. Illumination of the #1 or #2 FUEL PRESS warning an-
nunciator usually indicates failure of the respective engine-driven boost pump. Perform the following:
! STANDBY PUMP switch -- ON.
@ FUEL PRESS annunciator -- Check extinguished.
# FUEL PRESS annunciator still illuminated -- Record un-boosted time.
$ Monitor system for further abnormal indications.
b. NO FUEL XFER Caution Annunciator Illuminated. Illumination of a #1 or #2 NO FUEL XFR annunciator
with fuel remaining in the respective auxiliary fuel tank indicates a failure of that automatic fuel transfer system.
Proceed as follows:
! AUX XFER switch (affected side) -- OVRD.
@ Auxiliary fuel quantity -- Monitor.
# AUX XFER switch (after respective auxiliary fuel has completely transferred) -- AUTO.
c. Nacelle Fuel Leak. If nacelle fuel leaks are evident, perform the following:
1. Engine shutdown (affected engine) -- Perform.
2. FIRE PULL handle -- PULL.
3. TCAS -- Set TA
4. Land as soon as practicable.
d. Fuel Crossfeed. For fuel crossfeed, perform the following:
! AUX XFER switches -- AUTO.
With the FIRE PULL handle pulled the fuel in the auxiliary tank for that side will not be available
(usable) for crossfeed.
@ STANDBY PUMP switches -- OFF.
# CROSSFEED switch -- As required.
$ FUEL- CROSSFEED annunciator illuminated -- Check.
With the FIRE PULL handle pulled the FUEL PRESS annunciator will remain illuminated on the side
supplying fuel.
5. FUEL PRESS annunciator extinguished -- Check.
^ Fuel quantity -- Monitor.
e. NAC LOW Annunciator Illuminated. Illumination of the #1 or #2 NAC LOW caution annunciator indicates
that the affected tank has approximately 30 minutes (58 gallons) of usable fuel remaining at sea level, at maximum
cruise power consumption rate. Proceed as follows:
Change 2