TM 1-1510-262-10
Failure of the fuel tank venting systems will prevent the fuel in the wing tanks from gravity feeding
into the nacelle tank. Fuel vent system failure may be indicated by illumination of the #1 or #2 NAC
LOW caution light with greater than 30 minutes of usable fuel indicated in the main tank fuel sys-
tem. The total usable fuel remaining in the main fuel supply system with the low fuel caution light
illuminated may be as little as 140 pounds, regardless of the total fuel quantity indicated. Contin-
ued light may result in engine lameout due to fuel starvation.
1. Land as soon as practicable.
a. DC GEN Annunciator Illuminated. When a DC GEN annunciator illuminates, perform the following:
! Mission Control switch -- As required.
$ Operating load meter -- 100% maximum.
b. Both DC GEN Annunciators Illuminated (reset failed).
! All nonessential equipment -- Off.
2. Land as soon as practicable.
c. Excessive Load meter Indication (over 100%). If either load meter indicates over 100%, perform the fol-
! BATTERY switch -- OFF (monitor load meter).
@ Load meter over 100% -- Nonessential electrical equipment off.
# Load meter under 100% -- BATTERY switch ON.
d. INVERTER Annunciator Illuminated. When either #1 or #2 INVERTER annunciator illuminates, perform
the following:
! Affected INVERTER switch -- OFF.
Illumination of the, INST AC warning annunciator indicates that both 26VAC circuits are inoperative.
e. INST AC Annunciator Illuminated.
The following systems will be affected:
NAV #1
NAV #2
Under these conditions, power must be governed by indications of N 1 and TGT gauges. Perform the following:
1. N 1 and TGT indications -- Check.
2. Other engine instruments -- Monitor.
f. Circuit Breaker Tripped. If a circuit breaker trips, perform the following:
1. Bus feeder breaker tripped -- Do not reset.