TM 55-4920-328-13
testing are not connected and are not available, any
transducer of known sensitivity may be used. If the basic
sensitivity rating is unknown, the rating and corrected
sensitivity must be calculated using the procedures in
steps (e) and (f). If the engine vibration transducers are
connected, note and record each sensitivity factor, then
proceed to step (g).
e. The basic sensitivity rating of velocity-
responsive vibration transducers is provided in the
following formula:
S = E/V where
S = sensitivity rating (mv/ips)
E= millivolts
V = velocity (ips)
f. The sensitivity rating S is given in consistent
units. If the input velocity is provided in average ips, it
may be multiplied by S to obtain average millivolts output.
If the input is given in rms ips, it may be multiplied by S to
obtain rms millivolts output. Interpretation of sensitivity
rating is mandatory to avoid confusion, especially since
the vibration meter provides an average velocity read-
out, but is often calibrated in systems in which an rms
velocity calibrator is used. The sensitivity factor S can be
assumed to be correct only when given in terms of
operation into a load impedance equal to the input
Impedance of the vibration meter. The input impedance
of the unit is 10k ohms. Therefore, the transducers used
in METS are rated in terms of operation into a 10k-ohm
load. If transducers rated for load impedances other than
10k ohms are used, It is necessary to calculate the
corrected sensitivity as follows:
(1) Sample calculations when vibration transducers open-
circuit voltage is known:
With S1 known to be 100 mv/ips and R1 known to be
925 ohms, and using the equation
S2 = S R1 + R
R1 R2
corrected sensitivity; the following sample calculation Is
S2 = 100 925 + 10,000 =100.65 m v/psi
(2) Calculation of vibration transducer open- circuit
sensitivity: If the manufacturer's specifications do not
provide the open-circuit voltage, but give the voltage
across some resistive load other than 10k ohms, the
corrected sensitivity may be calculated as follows:
(a) Designate S3 as the sensitivity into a load other
than 10,000 ohms,i.e., R3.
(b) Designate R3 as the resistive load known.
(c) Calculate open-circuitry sensitivity S1.
(d) From S1. calculate the corrected sensitivity S2.
(e) With S3 known to be 105 mv/ips, R3 to be 50k
ohms, and R1 to be 750 ohms, the following sample
calculation is given:
Si S3 RA + R3 or 105 (750 + 50,000)
R3 (50,000)
S1= 106.5 4 millivolts per inch per second,
S2 Si R2 or 106.5 (10,000)
R1 + R2
(750 + 10,000)
S2 - 99 mv/psi
(f) With the vibration pickups provided in the
engine accessories connected, position the SELECT
control (23, figure 1-23) to SENS. (The RANGE control
(24) and MODE control (25) may be in any random
(g) Adjust the SENS adjustment potentiometer (30)
until the meter reading corresponds to the sensitivity of
the vibration transducer appropriate to the channel being
(h) Position the SELECT control (23) to CAL. (The
RANGE control (24) and MODE control (25) may be in
any random position.)
(i) Adjust the CAL adjustment potentiometer (26)
for a full-scale reading on the meter.
(j) Repeat steps (f) through (i) for each of the other
(k) If the system is not to be operated for an
extensive period of time after adjustment of the multi-
channel vibration meter, deenergize the METS electrical
system and the generator set as specified in paragraph 2-
2-11. Checkout Prior to Engine Firing.
Prior to engine firing, perform the following procedures
and verify the specified conditions. Proceed as follows